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   The last couple of weeks for Amanda had been grey and cold. In her opinion, the two usually made for the perfect day, full of unpredictability and mystery. From landing naked at school to her mother's betrayal, Amanda had craved the stability of a bright sunny day. Her heart had longed for the heat, but embarrassment had a tough sheath over her, gated by uncertainty. Tonight, she'd chased after the sun, and now that they were reunited, Amanda wouldn't even risk blinking in fear Peyton would reveal herself to be a mirage and tonight, a fragment of her imagination.

Standing behind the breakfast bar, Amanda watched as she gathered a handful of mini marshmallows before proceeding to dump a few in her mug, doing the same for the other.

"You don't mind those, right?" she asked, wide-eyed when she turned to face her.

The slight panic on her face drew a smile on Amanda's lips.

"Just a few."

Peyton nodded and dropped a couple more into the brown mug she'd set for her. Amanda had expected her to put the rest back in the bag, but in a gesture that made her chuckle, she brought them all to her mouth, inflating her cheeks chipmunk style.

"I see you're quite a fan."

Even under the dim lights, Amanda couldn't miss how her face flushed. After damn near suffocating trying to swallow the sugary treats, she covered her mouth, embarrassed to have been caught being greedy.

"S-Sorry..." she said, lowering her head slightly," I guess I'm a little nervous."

She pushed back the tumbling strands but didn't raise her gaze.

   After telling the mayor what she saw, Peyton felt powerless, knowing all she could do was wait and hope Mayor Fullwood wasn't like his wife. Her perfect attendance served her well, and though it was a shame to break such an impeccable record, her mind wouldn't have been able to focus on school work. Not when she had no idea of Amanda's well-being.

Emily had texted her the good news before stopping by her house with Amanda's message.

My phone's out of commission. Meet me at 9 tonight at the lakehouse.


   Peyton had read and re-read those words. Once with tears in her eyes, and the others with immeasurable joy fizzling inside her stomach. Amanda was okay and she would be seeing her again.

   The wait was pure agony. However, it was nothing compared to knowing her in that place. Locked away like a fucking prisoner, scared and alone. For the whole day, she'd ridden on an emotional high, now the crash had begun, and reality had invited itself to settle in.

Her stomach twisted and untwisted into nervous knots. She shifted her weight from foot to foot, suddenly feeling self-conscious.

A gasp broke free from her lips when Amanda's warm hand cupped her cheek, raising her head slowly.

"What's the matter?" she spoke softly, her gaze searching the answers in her tears.

Peyton whipped her cheek just as one left her other eye.

"Let me," Amanda said.

Peyton looked up at her, watching as she focused on the droplet on her face, whipping at it with her thumb.

"I thought I'd never see you again."

Her voice broke as she said the words. Amanda's heart did the same, touched by how worried she'd been, but also hated to have been the cause of her pain.

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