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"So... remember when you suggested we stop here after-school and I was like, "It's a date"? Amanda said, her voice damn near trembling as Peyton pulled into the diner's parking lot.

She killed the engine, humming a yes before shifting her focus to Amanda.

"Well," the redhead started, looking at the restaurant as she sighed while gathering her words, "I forgot to mention there's a high chance my friends are in there. Cora started waitressing a few months back and Levi usually waits for her shift to end inside."

   The clear nervousness in the way she fumbled with her fingers made Peyton want to grab her face and kiss her senselessly. As appealing as the idea was, she instead placed a hand on hers, causing Amanda to tense up before slowly relaxing. Gazing up from their conjoined hands, Peyton shrugged at her dismissively before plastering on a nonchalant smile.

"It's okay. I don't mind your friends, I actually think they're pretty cool," Peyton said while giving her hand an affirmative squeeze.

Amanda looked lost in thought as she spoke again, "It's just... our first date and... well after earlier the last thing I want is to screw this up."

   There was a tick in her jaw and an acute pinch in her voice that showcased sincerity and regret. As much as Peyton hated seeing her looking so defeated, she couldn't stop her heart from swooning over how much it pained her to have ever hurt her. She leaned in closer and whispered her name but her eyes were glued downward.

"Babe, would you look at me?"

Amanda nearly gasped at the term of endearment, her guilt weighing her gaze even lower than before.

"Am," Peyton began, hesitating, "What happened earlier wasn't cool, but I get it. You apologized once before and I know you didn't mean to hurt me. But I don't care for perfection. The times that I spend with you will always be better than the times without you. All you have to do tonight is be here with me."

   Peyton's words were like special headlights piercing through the thick fog of worry Amanda was lost in the midst of. She'd been beating herself up the whole day and now knowing that Cora would most likely be pocking them to open up about their love life scared her to think about. However, Peyton was right. Actions spoke louder than words, and the talking of her apology was already dealt with. It was time to make things right.

   When at last she turned to her, the smile on Peyton's face was instantaneous. Amanda's pout didn't last long after that and in an instant, she had her hand behind her neck, pulling her into a kiss. Tender and sweet with the way their lips caressed each other, Amanda expressed her thanks before breaking their connection to exit the car.

Jeimy pinged a small bell on the counter signaling for a waitress to come to pick up some orders.

The middle-aged woman with dark-brown skin and long Jumbo braids tied into a thick bun atop her head flashed a pearly white smile upon noticing the girl stepping through the door.

"Peyton sweetheart, it's been a minute," she said with one hand flying to her waist as she looked the girl over before focusing on Amanda.

Shifting to a more serious demeanor, Amanda tensed as the woman began shaking her finger at her, "You, missy, have some explaining to do."

Her eyes widened like a child caught red-handed stealing cookies from the cooky-jar. Turning to Peyton for help, Jeimy continued, "You finally got tired of our homemade ice cream, didn't you?"

   Amanda blushed a shade of pink closer to red than the strawberry ice cream she loved so much. The last time she'd enjoyed some was the night of the parade. Robby's had been where she'd found refuge, and Jeimy had allowed her in the back, gifting her a full tub of ice cream to drown away her sorrow. With all the events that happened since that night, she had yet to stop by until now.

Restless SoulTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon