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"I said I want to see my daughter!" Mayor Fullwood snaped, towering over Dr. Fletcher as he struggled with his word.


"I don't want to hear anything from you," he growled and gripped the man by his collar.

"I will not leave this place without Amanda and she better be just as I left her or I swear I will burn this place to the ground."

He spewed out those threats with all his might, the anger flaring in his gaze putting a stamp of truth on his words. 

   Olivier Fullwood wasn't a violent man. He never had been. He barely ever raised his voice. Usually, he didn't have to. There's a reason why the people of Milton Oaks reelected him every time he ran for office. He was a man of the people. Born with a family name that meant nothing just like the majority of the folks in this town, and the ones he always wanted to give back to. 

   Above his love for those who watched him rise to the top and helped along the way, he cared deeply for his children. Sheryl would roll her eyes at how he talked about them. Matt stood four inches above him and was also bigger thanks to the weekly hours spent benching at the school gym. Gone was the little boy he'd lift over his head to put the basketball through the hoop. He now dealt with a young man that reminded him so much of his younger self he could hardly believe he wasn't.

"Mister mayor, you must understand where I stand. Your daughter was brought to me by Mrs. Fullwood for help. I examined her and found it best that she stayed within the facility to better allow us to familiarize ourselves with her condi..."

Dr. Fletcher was caught off when the mayor slammed him against a wall.

"The hell do you take me for?!" he shouted, watching as the man struggled to get up.

"I know exactly what kind of treatments you offer in this place. You have big people sponsoring you and that kept you under the radar for far too long. But you're gonna have to answer to me if in the next minute you don't tell me where my daughter is!"

Dr. Fletcher coughed out an incoherent mumble. 

   Mayor Fullwood had his sights locked on him, like a furious bull ready to charge. Adrenaline pumped through his veins, and the ones in his neck throbbed from the anger he felt. Anger at the man that took an oath to never do patients harm yet only cared about the money he could profit from by treating invalids, and anger at his wife who'd dared to go behind his back and have his child locked up without much of a say-so.

Bitterness rose again in his throat at the thought of it.

   He'd decided to come home early since the project for the new special needs children's hospital was going well. The old building had crumbled when, during a rough storm, one of the trees fell over it. Seeing as the building was old, it didn't survive, and now rebuilding was the only option. With the help of the state, soon construction will start to create not just a help center, but a school for special needs students which will include resources to help parents dealing with the many struggles that come with having a child in need of extra care. 

Eager to spread the good news, Mayor Fullwood flew in and decided to stop by Sheldon Academy to pick up Amanda and hopefully get to watch Matt practice.

"I'll see what I can do about that. Coach's been up my ass about Tristan. Guy's gotta chill because the fight with Shuck is giving us a bad rep," Matt said to his teammate who nodded along.

"Can't we just bench him? I think that'd be punishment enough." 

"Right, we bench our quarterback over some stupid fight that didn't happen on school grounds. Way to make a big deal out of nothing," a blonde boy grumbled.

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