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   Is it possible for gold to lose its shine? Most people will answer, " If it's real, it'll shine forever." Technically they'd be right to say that. No matter how many years go by, the shimmering lumps won't ever lose their glow. Here at Sheldon Academy, they all believed that to be true, but when a somber Peyton showed up at school after two days of absence, they all began to wonder.

   Her shoulders slumped as she walked down the halls, moving from one class to the next, not bothering to share a single smile with even the friendliest faces. Her spark was gone. It was felt all around her. Something was different.

Amanda always saw Peyton as the sun that shined bright during her darkest days. Did her light suddenly dim, or had she been just a reflection all alone, now remaining plain and hollow without her sun to shine its light upon her?

Truth was, gold doesn't always shine. Placed in a room deprived of any light, it wouldn't stand out among a pile of rocks.

   People are always in awe of a star-filled sky. Glittered over the dark carpet on a full moon, it was a sight to gawk over. Somehow though, the sun, being the brightest source of light doesn't nearly get the same appreciation. Without it, the world would be plunged into darkness, yet its rise and fall are treated like the most common phenomenon.

Even during the strongest storm, the kind with clouds so dark she'd wonder if it might just be the end, clarity still loomed over the horizon, because she had her sun. With her gone, nothing was the same, it never could be.

When the long-awaited bell rang signaling that the time for lunch had arrived, Peyton for once wished that she wasn't as popular as she was.

"Peyton, what's been up with you, girl?" Kendall asked, catching up with her as she left the classroom.

"Yeah, are you okay? Last time I saw you like this Tucker was put down."

Peyton winced, almost jumping away from Emily at the mention of her last horse.

Shaking her head firmly, Kendall sent her a disapproving look. Emily watched her curiously before she noticed the expression on Peyton's face.

"Oh no. Is Fancy alright?"

   Kendall slapped her forehead. Although she was one of the smartest students in the history of Sheldon Academy, Emily was a real airhead when it came to human relations. Her hands tightened on the straps of her backpack as she mouthed an innocent, "What?" to Kendall.

Peyton let out a deep breath, stopping just a few feet away from the restroom.

"Look, guys, I appreciate you for worrying about me. But right now..." she paused.

   Her throat tightened at the idea of blowing off the two closest friends she had. Kendall and Peyton had been friends since the fourth grade. They were only a few inches of difference between them, Kendall's long legs and straight posture enhanced by the ballet classes she'd been taking since the age of five.

   Emily and her crossed paths later in life. Peyton's tutor, Mrs. Bradsfield was on maternity leave and had Mr. Gibons, Emily's father, replace her. They instantly bonded. All together they balanced each other out, but in times like these, neither of the girls knew what to do, as Peyton rarely was affected by anything.

   As they stared her down with worried eyes, Peyton closed her eyes and inhaled one quick soothing breath. Just as she was about to speak, a group of guys walked out of the restroom. Laughs were exchanged amongst them, smiles drawing their way on each of their faces. Peyton's eyes twitched as the dark-haired boy walked past them, dimples on dismay like someone without a care in the world. She remembered those dimples.

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