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   Amanda never realized how underfunded Milton High was until she tried looking up their website. The small hope she had to find that mystery woman was extinguished when her research brought her simple mentions on Instagram and Facebook. Suggestions even redirected her to Sheldon Academy. Scrolling through her phone, her excitement only peaked briefly when an article in the local newspapers mentioned Milton High. But it turned out to be another dead end, the aforementioned article being about her father and his time at the establishment.

   Frustrated, she put down her device, looking around the mostly empty diner. From across the room, Cora watched her with concern while Amanda rested her head on the back of her seat, grimacing as she rubbed her eyes. Jeimy, who stood across from her behind the register, exchanged a look with the young waitress. With a nod, Cora went to the back, concocting a special order for her troubled friend.

   Amanda hadn't told anyone about the incident at Whisper Wood. They'd all been enjoying their spring break while she recoiled in her bedroom, blocking out the world as guilt seemed to gnaw at her heart. Logically, she knew she hadn't been responsible for Austin's suicide. The man hadn't been all there for years. Nevertheless, she couldn't help feeling accountable, as if her presence that day had pulled him to his death.

At the sound of approaching footsteps, Amanda's eyes flew open, landing on Cora's sympathetic smile.

Amanda was about to tell her off when she noticed the ice cream sundae in a tall glass on the tray she carried.

"On the house," Cora said, placing the frozen dessert next to her phone.

Amanda eyed her new treat, her mouth watering at the sight.

"Thanks, Cora," she said, giving her a small grin.

The girl's face lit up and she began twirling from side to side, proud to have turned her frown upside down.

"You look like you've had a rough day."

Amanda only nodded, her silence indicating she had no desire to share her woes. Without a word, Cora went to greet a new set of customers and Amanda dug into her ice cream.

   As refreshing as it was, no amount of caramel drizzle could get her mind off the events of this morning. She was sure she'd seen that car somewhere before. Then again, Milton Oaks was a small town, but only when you knew what you were looking for. She hadn't a clue where to start and the fact irked her beyond belief. She'd considered going around town searching, but having no car and being forbidden to ride her bike due to recent events, made the task quite difficult. The furthest she'd ever gone was on her bicycle, and to this day, she still couldn't figure out how she'd ended up on Ironwood Street.

   Amanda had just scooped herself a spoonful of ice cream when thoughts of that day, weeks ago, came to mind. She froze with it halfway to her mouth, the memory playing in front of her like a vision. It had been the same dark green Honda Civic from today that'd brought her to a stop in front of Steven's house.

   The spoon slipped from her hand, bounced off the table, and landed on the ground with a loud clink. Amanda flinched at the sound, brought back to the present by the acute noise. Worried she'd brought unwanted attention to herself, she was relieved to see only Jeimy observing her from behind the counter as Cora marched towards her, a napkin in hand.

"I'm sorry," Amanda whispered as Cora kneeled to the ground to clean the splatter.

"Don't worry about it," she waved her off, and got up, eyeing her with concern, "Are you okay though?"

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