Chapter Eight

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"He said that?!", Mickey asked with a raised brow and I just took another sip of the Jack Daniels that Jace had poured after I came in nearly hysterical ready to spill the tea and looking as if I was ready to fight someone. "Damn, that's stone cold."

"You're a bad bitch! You don't need him!", Bayleigh cheered me on but I don't think getting hype off of this was what I wanted.

Tig told me sweet lies and I ate them up like some lovesick puppy. I sat there and believed that we could live a sweet life in this fucked up marriage that we had going on. He made me feel like I belong and then he goes and tells me this bullshit.

Guys really were not shit. I could name so many guys that I turned down and I'm married to a racist that made me fall for him. How fucked up is that?

"Put on your big girl panties, sis! Surround yourself with bad bitches and boss up," Stasi said as she furiously typed on her phone and then it was going off like she just sent out a sex tape.

"Give me a minute."

Mickey's eyes widened in horror and Bayleigh smirked like she knew something good was about to happen. I didn't even ask what was going on as I focused on the fact that my cup was suddenly empty and I needed more.

"Fuck 'em! Another shot and then I shake this shit off. I don't get played, I do the playing. I invented the games that he thinks he's winning," I let them all know as I turned my cup up after Jace filled it back up.

Once that burn faded, I stood up with purpose like a phoenix rising from its ashes.

Later that day, I ended up on a shopping spree for my devious master plan. First, I bought a lot of lingerie, sexy heels, and body care that would make me smell and taste like a whole snack. Second, I got my nails did, a lovely massage, and got myself waxed from head to toe. Third, I took myself on a date and sat at the table reflecting on how my life wasn't over and how I could better myself. Lastly, I headed home after ignoring all the calls of my girls and even the He-Who-Tried-It man.

I took a long, hot bubble bath, lit some candles and turned on a movie after popping myself some popcorn and pouring myself a glass of wine. My "husband" came in just as I pressed Play on "Waiting to Exhale".

"Where were you all day?", he asked looking furious for some odd reason.

I tilted my head to the side and gave him a look of surprise.

"I was home. Why? Where were you?"

"Bullshit! I came home twice to check if you were here. Stasi hasn't seen you since this morning and everyone has been calling you for the past six hours so where were you?"

"Taking care of myself since no one else is going to do it," I said lifting my brow in challenge.

"If you're fucking someone else, I will kill you and him!", Tig yelled approaching me with his hands clenched. "I didn't give you permission to give away what's mine!"

"You don't own me! You didn't make the decision to make me yours and I sure as hell didn't want to be yours so what the fuck is your problem?!"

Tig stood over me and he opened and closed his hands, grasping at the air as if he wished my neck were in between those pasty white hands. I had never seen rage like this. His face was red like a cherry tomato and if I didn't know any better I would feel like he was going to beat the shit out of me.

Fortunately he took his anger out on the objects around us as he picked up a vase and threw it against the wall with an outraged yell. He punched the wall and turned over the coffee table. I was scared but I wasn't worried that he would hurt me because that first time it was unintentional.

"Calm down, Tigger...", I tried to calm the storm and he somewhat let some of that rage go away.

He found his way back to me and as he glared down at me with blue eyes ablaze, I felt like a child in trouble. His hand reached up and before I could step back, his hand wrapped around my throat first as a caress and then tightened.

I pleaded with him not to hurt me.

"Please, don't..."

"Tell me you're not mine again and I will make sure that you are no one's," he threatened me and I felt a chill run down my spine.

"Tig, please..."

He drew me closer to him and before he let his grip loose, I felt the same kiss to my forehead. I didn't want to upset him further so I didn't move. He clearly didn't realize the mixed signals that i was getting but nonetheless I wasn't going to let him draw me back in.

He wanted war so I was bringing it to him.

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