Chapter Eleven

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For the past two weeks, I kept myself busy working with Stasi and relaxing. We stayed out every night and some of them I spent at Stasi's just so I wouldn't have to deal with that joke of a man. We hadn't talked to each other since my blow up at the club and it was for the best.

"Thanks for the hospitality," I smiled widely as I hugged little baby Abel in my arms and helped Stasi serve breakfast.

She rolled her eyes at me. I figured she was over me at this point but didn't come out and say that I was sort of cock blocking. Jax hadn't been rude but he made sure to keep the conversation between us minimal even going as far as to try and convince me to go back to talk with Tig.

So I made the decision to just go back home and face the demons that I had been dodging.

"It's been nice having you here, girl, but Jax and I are the type that love to be naked out in the open. Thank you for not overstaying your welcome. You are always welcome here whenever you need time to think," Stasi said as I handed over baby Abel who cooed softly.

She gestured for me to sit down and enjoy the breakfast we had cooked.

After breakfast, I headed home with my music on blast not paying anyone or anything any attention except for the road. My fingers tapped on my steering wheel and I hummed softly as I glanced around at the nice, bright day. Not once had I even noticed the car that had been following me or even pulled up next to me.

A large gun stared at me as my heart raced and beat loudly in my ears. I couldn't even react as I felt a burning and stinging sensation before everything went black.

~ Alex "Tig" Trager  POV ~

It felt like my heart had stopped and I couldn't do anything more but move on auto pilot. Somehow I was on my bike and headed to the hospital without even noticing the breeze on my skin or the loud noise of my engine. My hands were shaking as I removed my helmet and raced to the nurse's station to ask for my wife, Alexis.

"Alexis Trager?"

"Tig! Follow me," the Doc called my name and I glanced up to see her standing there with a clip board in hand.

"Where is she?"

No answer.

We were on the 6th floor a few doors down from the OR. Tara pushed me back and held her hand up before stepping into the restricted area. I wanted to yell at the doors to open but instead let her do her stuff.

After several minutes of waiting, Tara came out with eyes wide and tears shining in them. I approached her slowly but felt like any bad news would knock me back or even off my feet. She gave me a small smile before pointing to the waiting area just a little ways down the hall.

"Just lay it on me, Doc."

"She'll be okay. Um, but... she's delicate. The bullets didn't hit anything major and her recovery will be quite smooth," Tara shared and I was sort of confused by the delicate part.

The Doc must have read my mind because she took a deep breath and began telling me the remainder of my wife's health condition. She was pregnant, just barely two weeks, and the Doc said that if the baby made it into the second trimester would be the only way that we could celebrate.

I didn't understand what she meant by that but she congratulated me either way.

After a few hours of waiting, Jax and the guys who had came up to support me went off to grab us some food. I sighed deeply in worry about what she would want from me. Alexis had been staying as far away from me as possible and I had the worst case of blue balls dealing with that stubborn lady. All the women who were brave enough to approach me after she gave Sam a beat down weren't even an upgrade from my beautiful wife.

The woman that I really wanted was lying on a surgical table fighting for her life and the life of our unborn child. She may not be perfect but she was gorgeous and funny and she made me want to be a better man. I didn't ever think anything like this would happen to her.

"What you thinking?", Clay, my Prez, asked as I let my mind race with the thought of me being a father to Alexis's child.


"No bullshit but I think the Mexicans are hitting us up for making a deal with the 9'ers. Wanna have a sit down with them?"

"They shot my wife. Of course I want to tag their asses! If it were Stasi or Gemma, we would have rode out by now," I snapped giving Clay a look because he felt like I was only pushing this because of our reputation. I could care less how Samcro would look after they nearly tried to kill my old lady. He knew it wasn't right. "She's still my wife."

Clay nodded and he waited until the guys returned to let them know that we were getting retaliation on whoever did this to my Sweet girl.

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