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anything in italics is in a language other than english


xenia is tapping her foot impatiently on the carpeted floor of her room as she waits for her friend to get ready.

"can you stop it with the tapping? i can't concentrate and i will fuck up my eyeliner"

"but we're gonna be late!" the girl insists and gets up, only to start walking laps behind the brunette girl that is struggling with her eyeliner.

"calm your tits, xenia, we're not gonna be late. the concert literally starts in an hour" the brunette adds as she smoothly places her eyeliner back inside her makeup bag "in fact, we didn't even have to be ready by now"

no reply.

luisa turned to look at her blonde friend, who was tapping on her cracked phone screen non stop.

"hello? xenia? i'm ready" she snaps her fingers to distract the younger.

xenia snaps back to reality with a strong shake of her head, making the numerous jewelry on her multiply pierced ears jiggle as she moved.

"damn you look hot" xenia compliments and tosses her phone inside her purse.

"luisa always looks hot, darling" the brunette smiles and does a small twirl before going to grab her tote bag and her phone.

"okay diva, we get it" xenia grabs the older's arm and drags both of them out of the room "but we can't let my favourite italians wait any longer"

"as if they're waiting for us" luisa says, breaking xenia's main character punchline.

"okay you really didn't have to ruin my perfect scene cut here" the blonde scoffs and they both break into laughter as they rush out of the house, yelling a quick 'goodbye' to xenia's mom while stumbling out of the front door and rushing to the train station.

(before you judge xenia, you have no idea how hard it is to leave a greek mom's house even as an adult).

it's a warm friday afternoon of june in athens; perfect for luisa to use her summer wardrobe's full potential.

this is actually her first ever live concert.
but she was never expecting her first concert would actually be inside her country's borders since barely any new foreign artists pay greece a visit.

so here she is now, with her childhood best friend going to see xenia's newfound obsession live on stage.

in all honesty, luisa barely knows anything about them but xenia really wanted to go with her, so she accepted the ticket without a second thought.
she did a small research on the band and listened to a few songs, just enough for her to understand the band's vibe.

and man did they give her bi panic...

when they get to the stadium, there is already a line forming at the front of it, thankfully not too long.

when their turn comes, the two girls show their tickets to the security guard who points at which way they should go and they excitedly rush inside the forming crowd.
there is already loud music playing from the huge speakers all around the stage and it's all set up for the show.

luisa's heart flutters with excitement as she is staring at the decently large stage at awe.

"luisa. we are not stopping until we've reached right under that stage, you hear me?" the younger announces as they're walking.

"we came prepared. we have water, we have money, we have fully charged phones and we have a little too much adrenaline in our bodies. we will get so close to that stage that we will be up against it." the brunette matches her energy as they excitedly make their way to the very front of the crowd, where thankfully for them they were able to find somewhere to stand.

"it's too hot here with all these people around us" luisa comments when they've secured their places.

"think you can get anywhere now?" the blonde girl gestures at the huge crowd already flooding the large open space.

"we're staying here then" luisa says in defeat.

then, the crowd starts cheering and both girls turn around to see the band starting to get on stage.

"look! there's victoria!" xenia can't contain her excitement when she sees the blonde bassist walk on stage.

the crowd around them is basically howling as damiano grabs the microphone and welcomes everyone to the show.

"DAMIANO I LOVE YOU" someone screams, making damiano's chuckle echo through the entire arena.


'for your love' has just finished playing, the band ending the song perfectly once again.

as the band is preparing for the next song, damiano takes a sip of water before speaking again.

"and now, we have a question for you" he says mysteriously into the microphone while looking at the crowd under him. "you guys wanna know what it is?"

the entire arena screams, luisa being louder than everyone else at this point.
she and xenia are so close to the stage they can almost hear damiano's footsteps on it.

"you weren't loud enough" he says and smiles teasingly "let's try this again; DO YOU WANNA KNOW?"

the screams are even louder now and damiano smiles in satisfaction.

"so, my question is..." he says and exchanges a few glances with the rest of the band before continuing "do any of you want to get on stage?"

before he could finish his sentence the entire arena howls again, making him chuckle.

he walks up to where xenia and luisa are standing and extends his free hand to xenia.

xenia grabs it without a second thought and not even a second later she's standing right next to him.

she points at luisa and damiano calls for thomas and victoria to help more people up, as he reaches for luisa's hand.

when luisa is on the stage she looks down at the sea of fans.

now that was a sight to see.

at the far back rows things were pretty calm, but at the very front people were almost stepping on top of eachother.

when there were around ten people on stage -thanks to the help of some security guards- the band started playing the next song.

xenia disappears from the older's sight, probably trying to take a video of the stage, leaving luisa standing by herself doing nothing, so she takes some steps back, closer to the drums; an attempt to avoid being seen by too many people or accidentally collide with the dancing figures at the front of the stage or the artists themselves.

the second 'in nome del padre' starts playing, she forgets that thousands of people are watching her, that being the song she picked out as her favourite when she was listening to their music for the first time.

her body reacts by itself and she starts jumping around, doing her thing and for once, not caring about people watching her.

the only thing that managed to distract her was xenia appearing next to her again and joining her.

but what she failed to notice was that ethan, the drummer she was dancing a few meters away from, didn't take his eyes off of her until she had gotten off the stage after the song ended.



new story? new story.
gotta do my boy ethan justice bcs i haven't written anything abt him all this time

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