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so you're here because..? luisa's driver for the night, kostas, says when he's parked the car a few meters away from the hotel's main entrance.

i already told you why” she says and looks away blushing, not wanting to explain again, not even to her guy best friend.

come on mikri, i'm just messing with you! go have your fun! oh and be careful! AND USE PROTECTION!!” he says as she's getting out of the car, giving him her middle finger before walking away.
(tr: mikri=pet name, means ‘little girl’, similar meaning to ‘kiddo’)

when he's made sure she's gotten inside the building, he drives off.

back inside the hotel, luisa is at awe of the carefully decorated interior. soft red carpets are covering the entirety of the floors, swallowing the sound of any sort of shoe with their softness.

the decor has signs of vintage, even old-timey touches, but its current appearance is that of a more modern but still classy guest area.

she walks up to the receptionist where a young woman —probably in her late twenties to early thirties— with dyed red hair tied in the back of her head in a low ponytail greets her with a polite but curious smile.

“hi, how can i help you?” she asks in english, not being able to tell whether the newcomer is a foreigner or a local.

hi! um, i'm here to see ethan torchio? he's a friend of mine.” luisa says in greek, the receptionist apologising before going back to their original subject.
the receptionist nods and checks something on the computer in front of her, then reaching for a black phone on the desk she's sat.

i will have to check with mr. torchio first, if you don't mind. can i have a name?” she asks as she's dialing the room number on the phone.

yes of course! it's luisa papaspirou.” she says, fiddling with the rings on her fingers once again like she did the same morning.

while the woman is waiting for ethan to pick up, luisa gets the chance to slip into her thoughts.

what is she even doing? she barely knows the guy! and she's going to his hotel room?? that's shady isn't it? but he seems like such a sweet guy... but she shouldn't let his looks fool her.
but again, she's safe. the hotel knows she's here and so do both kostas —who drove her— and xenia —who she told everything to.

alright, i have confirmed it with mr. torchio. you are free to go- is everything alright? you look pale.” says the woman, her tone showing concern.

hm? no, everything is fine! i'm just a bit tired, that's all.” luisa assures her, the woman looking at her for a little longer before finally telling her the number of the room and giving her directions on how to get there.

the hotel is basically empty since it is pretty late, making the entire walk to ethan's room feel longer than it is.

she's nervous, she can't hide it. but she's also excited.
when she gets to the room, she stops.

there it is; room 311.

there's no going back now. the second she knocks on the door, a sudden wave of adrenaline rushes through her veins.

and when that door opens to reveal ethan behind it, she confidently walks in.

no hesitations. no going back.

not even when they went from talking to kissing, not even when the kisses got rougher and sloppier did she hesitate.

for one night, she's the most confident version of herself.

and when she woke up naked the next morning, her hands tangled up in his long, dark hair and his hands softly resting on her waist, she didn't get up and hurry to leave before he woke up.

instead, she stayed there and slept in.

for once, she knew what she wanted and for once, she actually did exactly that.

the feeling of having zero regrets was so satisfying that she could get easily addicted.

but what she could even more easily get addicted to was most certainly the dark haired drummer sleeping soundly right next to her.



no smut you thirsty fuckers.

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