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pacing up and down in his room, the drummer has already given up on sleeping. after half an hour of turning, spinning and sweating, he had deemed himself unable to fall asleep.

he tried whatever came to mind. he even tried to watch local tv, hoping it would bore him out. instead he found himself invested in a show he didn't even understand, but in the end he dropped that as well.

it is too late to text or call anyone and all three of his friends are asleep. he is debating whether or not he should walk around in town, but he will probably get lost.

fuck it.” he says and changes out of his ‘pyjamas’ —a pair of shorts and a t-shirt.

his phone is charged so he takes off, his room key in his pocket.

as soon as he's out of the hotel, he decides to go towards the large town square.

there are a few people there, mostly local teenagers and young adults and there's loud music coming from azur —the large bar located over the shore.

in the end he finds himself sitting on the railing, watching the dimly lit old fortress and the sea laying under it as the cool sea breeze hits his face.

it's somewhat quiet for a few moments, just him and the sounds of the night.

then, he hears footsteps coming his way and when he turns around he sees a girl approaching him.

her hair is long and brown, with random lighter streaks of hair peeking here and there. her skin is tanned and she's confidently walking towards him, despite her black high heels.

behind her he can see two more girls, staring right at them; probably her friend's.

her tight black dress hugs her curves perfectly and her eyes are piercing him with every step she takes.

he already knows what's going to happen, but he's not in the mood for flirting.
but the girl doesn't know that so she keeps walking.

“hi! are you a tourist?” she asks in english when she's reached him. behind her the other two girls, one with purple hair and one with black hair, are holding their breaths.

“yes, i am.” he says, his accent giving away his place of origin.

“oh, you're italian? you're very handsome.” she says with a small smile and tucks some hair behind her ear, her brown eyes looking right into his.

“thank you.” he says politely.

she keeps asking question after question, obviously trying to make small talk, but he can't focus on her.

before he met luisa, he would have probably flirted back, invited her to his room, spent the night with her even.

but now luisa has taken up all the space inside his head. even talking to that girl made him feel bad. as if he's cheating on luisa.
but that's dumb, he's not dating luisa.

“i'm sofia.” she says. “what's your name?”

she hasn't recognized him. or at least she's pretending to not know who he is. at least that's a bit relieving.

“listen, sofia. you seem like a lovely girl but i really need to get going now.” he says and smiles apologetically.

“oh, okay? i'm sorry if i upset you or anything, i didn't mean to.” she says, her tone sounding genuine enough to him.

“no it's okay, it's just that it's late and i'm tired.” he says and puts his hands in his pockets. “have a great night!”

“goodbye?” she sounds pretty confused, but ethan has already started walking away.

he's not too far away when he hears the girl talk to her friends, one of them basically yelling out something that includes the word ‘gay’ in it.

at least he didn't come off as rude. just gay.

he prefers that.

he makes his way back to the hotel and this time he catches himself going through luisa's account.

if whipped was a person that would definitely be ethan.

his interaction with that girl just confirmed his thoughts; he has fallen and he has fallen hard.



did y'all really think i would let ethan do luisa like that? nonono.
(mayhaps i will though...🤔)

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