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the brunette pulls his suitcase inside his hotel room. their manager had booked them into one of the best hotels of the island; only a few minutes away from the main square of the town.

the room by itself isn't that impressive. it's an eye pleasing combination of white, deep red and gold.

he sets his luggage on one corner of the room and hops right into the shower, the exhausting heat of corfu in july already hitting him, the sun being at its zenith.

they have just arrived and yet for the first two days on the island, they had booked two different tours; one of the town and its most charming points and one of the infamous achillion, located near a small village almost twenty minutes away from the town.
the beaches is something they decided to discover by themselves, taking advantage of the numerous vehicle renting agencies on the island.

as the cold water of the shower hit his head, he sighed deeply and let the water fall on him, temporarily getting rid of the insufferable feeling of the heat.



"but i wanna go sightseeing!" anastasia protests against her friends' decision to stay at home for this afternoon since everyone was beat from the trip.

"go by yourself then. i don't have the energy to accompany you at the moment." kostas says from where he's laying on the pull out sofa he claimed as his bed earlier this afternoon.

"luisa?" the young girl looks at her friend with a pleading look, receiving a negative shake of her head as an answer. "xenia?"

"maybe later sia." the blonde says and goes to stand in front of the ac, the cold air blowing the stray baby hairs of her bun. "we could go to the beach later though!"

anastasia whines one last time and goes to plop on a bed as well, grabbing her crocheting tools and resuming the hat she'd started on the bus ride to the port in the morning.



two days. two days is how long it took for the band to finally be able to relax. and what did they decide to do in order to relax? rent motorcycles and look for the least populated beach on the island; damiano's request.

the paparazzi hadn't spotted them yet, truly a miracle, since it was no secret they were on vacation but corfu is the last island anyone was expecting to see the popular italian band in, but a few fans had recognised them, but not enough to make the news spread too fast.

so with their beach bags ready, their phones charged and their faces pasted with sunscreen, the four musicians hop on the motorcycles, making sure victoria doesn't get to drive on the old asphalt.

the ride to the beach was long and none of them were able to talk with eachother, because if they opened their mouths there was the danger of many little bugs flying straight into their mouths, despite them all wearing helmets.

when they get there, due to both the time and the day they chose, there weren't that many people and most of them were tourists.

they drove down the dirt road until they couldn't spot many people, stopping a few meters away from the only beach bar on the entire shore.

they leave the motorcycles on the side of the road and make their way to the beach.

"this place is like a desert." thomas comments as they're walking on the sand, slowly approaching the small dunes that separate the road from the sea. "it's super hot here."

"so are we, you can take it." victoria comments as she's walking funnily beside him, struggling to walk properly on the hot sand under her feet which was sneakily getting in her sandals.

"you should be glad we love you a lot, dami." thomas says sarcastically and starts walking up the small dune in front of him.

"come on, cobra! i'm sure you'll like it here! in case you can't take the loneliness there's a bar literally five minutes away!" says the singer and points at the currently silent bar to their right.

"enough whining! we're on vacation so we should make the best out of it! and don't forget we're literally going to a club tomorrow night, thomas." ethan cuts in and stops his friends' childish bickering. then, he drops his backpack to the ground and almost immediately loses his shirt. "first one into the water chooses what's for dinner tonight." says the drummer and starts running towards the water, victoria screaming behind him but quickly catching up to him, kicking her shorts away while she's running.

while the odds were with ethan, victoria took a sloppy jump and landed into the shallow water a few seconds before him, a wave hitting her head as soon as she fell in.

her male friends laugh at her, but she smiles proudly and sits up.
"we're having souvlaki tonight."

"again?" damiano says as he's walking closer to her, all of them still being in shallow waters.

"again. i won, i choose. better luck next time ragazzi." she says and shows him her tongue, her moment of joy to be ruined by ethan, who had snuck behind her as she was talking and had just thrown her into the water.

"not fair!" she says when her head appears again, spitting some water out of her mouth.

"you should be more careful then." ethan shrugs, but victoria seems focused on something else, as her eyes widen in disbelief.

"what is it vic?"

"look behind you." she says.

the three men look around, not seeing anything, until ethan finally spots what -or better, who- the bassist was talking about.

right there, only a few meters away from where they'd abandoned their stuff, a group of four was setting up an umbrella.
three girls, one guy.

then, one of the girls turns around and ethans eyes widen as well, a small smile creeping on his face.

it's luisa.


"these guys are pretty loud, aren't they?" anastasia comments when she notices luisa looking right at the group of four that were play wrestling in the water.

"i think they're italians. italian tourists are usually pretty loud." kostas comments, not even bothering to look up.

"xenia. these are our italians."

"our what?" the blonde says and then looks at the figures that were looking at them. "shit they are our italians!"



reconnection scene let's gooo

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