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"and we are going by ferry because...?" anastasia whines as the vehicle reaches the port after a six hour long drive by bus.

"because we are all broke college students and because the flights were too expensive and all booked for this month." luisa explains, watching her friend sigh and get out of the crowded vehicle, going to grab her luggage and her friends follow her.

luisa, xenia, kostas and their youngest friend, anastasia are going on their first trip as adults. no parents, no siblings and little to no financial support from their families, who only took care of the bus they took to get to the port and take the ferry.

"at least we're going back home by plane." anastasia adds as she's pulling out her bright yellow suitcase.

the four of them go up the heavily painted metal stairs of the boat, the strong smell of the fresh paint and the sea surrounding them forcing its way inside their nostrils. with the excitement of something new nesting in their hearts, they make their way to the smokers area of the boat, which has a sea view of the white, foamy trail the boat leaves behind it as it slowly leaves the port behind it.

"so where are we staying?" xenia asks as the four settle down in a small booth; two small leather couches and a table.

"at my older sister's place. she's living abroad and she agreed to lend us the house." kostas explains. "so you guys better not fuck it up too bad, i need it to be in one piece until we leave."

"have some faith in us, bro." anastasia pats her friend's curly brown hair, messing up his not so great bun.

"so we will be there in..." luisa checks her ticket. "two hours!"

"during which i will be sleeping." kostas announces and slides lower in his seat so that he can lay more comfortably.

the three girls shrug, busying themselves with something else for the rest of the trip.

luisa, specifically, spent two hours listening to a playlist a certain drummer had sent her, closing her eyes and letting the very different melodies keep her company as the boat swam gently into the blue sea.


"pssst! wake up!"

luisa shakes her male friend gently to wake him up as the boat is slowly reaching its destination.

the brunette boy shakes his head and opens his eyes, squinting them to adjust to the lighting of the room.

"we're here." she says and pulls him on his feet with an excited smile, their two girl friends already waiting to get out of the boat.

she and kostas join their two friends, who are looking at the port as they're nearing it, cheeks flushed with enthusiasm.

in luisa's eyes, they were like little kids. the thrill children get when they see something new, when they try something new.
she could see it in her friends' faces.

but if you asked them, she had the exact same expression herself.

but the most excited of them all is definitely kostas, who is finally home after two years in athens.

the ionian breeze hits their faces as soon as they step on the hard concrete of the port. with their suitcases in hand, the four friends walk their way to the house, chatting away as they walk under the burning sun of the afternoon.

only for all this excitement to drop when they get to the house and realise that it's on the fourth floor and that there is no elevator.

after a lot of cursing, struggling and sweating, they finally make it up the old creaky stairs and kostas reaches for the key his sister always keeps hidden in the decorative flower pot outside of the door.



ooooooh im so excited for things to get juicy just wait!!!

honey and milk || ethan torchio✓Where stories live. Discover now