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"so you're telling me that you didn't notice ethan literally staring at you non stop? i swear if he could he would have gotten up and asked you to marry him on the spot!" xenia is basically losing her mind at her friend's denseness. how could she not notice him staring? it's not like he tried hiding it.

"nope, not at all" luisa shrugs and throws a fried potato from her gyros into her mouth "and how are you so sure that he was 'drooling over me' as you worded it?"

"oh come on don't bullshit me, luisa. i can tell when someone is fantasizing their whole married life with my best friend when i see it."

"i think you're just overreacting" the older insists, not interrupting her meal for one second, until xenia is pointing her phone to her direction.

"this is all the proof you need." the blonde says proudly, showing her the same video that -without her knowing it of course- victoria showed ethan.

"oh my god that's a babe." luisa manages to say after almost choking on her food.

"i knew you'd like him" the blonde says "see that look on his face? he's concentrated but not on his playing. it's like his hands are doing their own thing while he is busy obviously checking you out, maybe imagining how many kids he wants to have with you-"

"okay that last one isn't exactly of my liking" the older comments and drinks some water "but i can actually see what you're talking about"

"told you!" the younger boasts. "and that's exactly why we're going to see them tomorrow."

"what? how?"

"you'll see. just be ready by eleven am, i will pick you up".

"if you say so"

"by the way this is his instagram. i think that after tonight they deserve your follow".

"they definitely do" the older agrees and taps follow on all their profiles.



"ethan!" victoria is banging on his hotel room door.

"what is it?" the drummer asks and opens the door, the bassist skipping inside the room and jumping on his bed.

"look who just followed me" she says and points her phone at him. ethan leans closer curiously with a riddled expression on his face.

"okay? do we know them?" he says after scanning the person's profile.

"kind of. look at the display name" says the girl and ethan reads it.

"luisa pa..?" he hesitates when he gets to the last name.


"wait, could that be her?" ethan finally catches onto what victoria is saying.

"exactly! here it says she's following all of us so i'm assuming she didn't know who we were before the concert." the blonde explains. "i lowkey want to see her posts, but her account is private" she admits.

ethan has an unreadable expression on his face, silence falling between them before he spoke again.

"i wonder if we'll see her again"

"oh come on, you definitely will! who could resist your incredible looks after all!" the girl jokes and gets the brunette to crack a small smile.

"wait how come you aren't out partying? even damiano went this time." he asks and the girl shrugs.

"wasn't feeling like partying" she says and lays on the bed "my feet hurt from those heels i was wearing and my period started the second i got out of the shower, so...".

ethan nods in understanding.
"so, why are you here and not out with the others?" it's victoria's turn to ask now.

"not in the mood either." he says casually and lets himself fall on the bed next to her.

"wanna watch a movie to kill time?" victoria proposes and ethan nods while going to reach for his laptop.

"what are we watching?" she asks while he's typing something.

"you'll see" he says simply "i think i have one last bag of snacks somewhere in there." he adds and gestures at the open suitcase across the bed and victoria starts rummaging through it.

"foudounia? what even is that?" she asks, holding up the sealed package.

"i found it at a kiosk on the piazza." he says and shakes his head to the direction where he assumes the said piazza is. "it's a local snack. if i understood him correctly the guy who sold it to me said that it's popular here or something like that."

"look at you communicating with the locals" victoria teases him and settles on the bed next to him, opening up the bag only to be smacked in the face by the strong smell of god knows what.

"i can't tell if i like what i'm smelling or not." she says and reaches for one of the small, round snacks, throwing it in her mouth and making a confused expression as soon as she bit it. "it tastes weird but for some reason i want to eat more."

ethan starts the movie and reaches for the mysterious snack as well, going through the exact same process as her while tasting it.

"i told you, this is so weird!"

"and yet you are already eating your... what? fifth one?"

"shut up they're addictive" she says and covers her mouth with her palm, as she was talking with her mouth full.

"yeah, right." the brunette teases before focusing on the movie playing in front of them.

or at least tried to, but his mind kept trailing off to that girl whose name was apparently luisa.




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