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for a few moments, luisa and xenia were just observing the band, still somewhat unsure of whether it was actually them or not.

“only way to find out is go closer.” kostas says with a shrug and takes off his shirt. “i'm gonna go swim, but you two feel free to stare at these four guys until you lose your vision.”

“he's right. xenia, we're going.” luisa says and also takes off her shorts, staying with her bikini.


“you've been telling me to reach out again for a week, so now you're coming with me whether you like it or not.”

“fine.” the blonde shrugs and the two start walking towards the four figures that are sitting in the water.

with each step, both girls grow more anxious. what if they're mistaken? what if they don't want them to see them again? what if they bother them?

luisa shakes her head to rid of these thoughts and keeps walking.

“luisa?” ethan calls out from the water, making the girl smile at the sound of his voice.

“that's me!” she yells and the drummer rises from the water and makes his way to her.

the smile on her face is huge and it gets even larger when he's standing right in front of her. the silence between them is thick and time seems to have become slower. the sounds suddenly block out as they are looking at each other, not knowing what to do or say.

“aww!” their moment is interrupted by xenia and victoria cooing at them, both laughing when the two brunettes turn to look at them with an annoyed frown, as if they ruined their perfect scene and now have to do it all over again.

luisa! is it really your future husband?” kostas yells as him and anastasia walk up to them, both dripping with sea water.

shut up you idiot!” she yells back.

she turns back to the band, who all seem pretty lost.
“so uh, i'm luisa and this is my best friend, xenia —i'm pretty sure she already knows your names—” she says “—and these two are our friends kostas and anastasia.”

they shake hands with polite smiles on their faces, but both sides fail to hide the curiosity in their eyes, victoria specifically, who was just now taking in both xenia's and luisa's appearance.

the eight of them go back into the water, slowly getting to know eachother. to both ethan's and luisa's surprise, their friends seemed to get along very well.

“so,” luisa says when she and ethan are floating out of everyone else's earshot. “what brings you guys here out of all places?”

“it was victoria's idea, actually. we were discussing for places to visit during our vacation and she saw an ad for corfu and she showed it to us so we said ‘why not’ and here we are now.” the drummer explains, doing his best to not trip over his words.

“okay, that makes sense, but how come you didn't go for santorini or mykonos? these two are like, the to-go destinations for most famous people.”

“we're built different i guess.” he says theatrically and luisa chuckles. “so what about you? how come you're here out of all places?”

“kostas grew up here and his sister lent us her house for a couple of weeks. he really wanted to visit the island since he's spent two years in athens and we just, tagged along.”

“that's nice.” he says and they go quiet again, just observing each other.

the sound of loud laughter interrupts their moment and they turn around to see victoria fall off of thomas' shoulders, after being pushed by xenia who was sitting on kostas' shoulders and smiling victoriously.

“we won!” xenia yells proudly and kostas throws her into the water as well.

“not fair! she's stronger than me!” victoria protests when both girls have risen from the water.

“that's how you're supposed to win, duh?” says xenia.

“okay for the next round i'm climbing on your shoulders then. see how well these two can do.” victoria announces and swims over to xenia, who gulps at the thought of having to face the extremely tall figure kostas and thomas would create if one sat on the other's shoulders.

“won't they be too tall for us though?” xenia says as their two friends waited for a final decision, not exactly down to climb on eachother's shoulders.

“i'll go up against you.” anastasia says and swims over to kostas. “into the water you go. i wanna play!”

kostas opens and closes his mouth, as if he's reconsidered his options and has decided to stay quiet, as he gently sinks into the water and anastasia places herself on his shoulders.

xenia dives into the water as well and victoria gets on her shoulders and a new battle begins, xenia holding onto victoria's legs, determined to not let her fall.

“kids, what can you do?” luisa says jokingly and ethan chuckles, his dimples showing.

“oh my god, your dimples are adorable.” says the girl and bites her bottom lip —an attempt to keep herself under control and not plant kisses all over the drummer's face.

“you think so?” he says with a small, kind of provocative smile.

“i do. man i wanna kiss you—” she says, her eyes growing large as soon as she realises what she just said.

“and what's stopping you?” he says again, his tone teasing and steady compared to his unstable and messy heartbeat as he says those words.

“no idea.” she says and pulls his face close to hers, smashing their lips together, unable to contain the smile that spread on them when they made contact.

WHAT THE FU” anastasia yells, kostas slamming her mouth shut with his hand to stop her from ruining the moment.

you owe me five euros.” victoria says to damiano, who sighs and mumbles something about giving the money to her later.



kiss kiss fall in love-

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