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i'm here u better not be late

luisa takes a last look in the mirror before rushing to the front door, her beloved tote bag hanging from her right shoulder. she ties her shoelaces almost mechanically, grabs her keys and says goodbye to her younger brother before opening the door and rushing down the stairs.

"good morning dear." xenia greets her and they start speedwalking down the street, their destination being the metro station.

"did you remember to bring your ticket this time?" luisa teases her while they're walking.

"yep! it's in my pocket." the girl says proudly while pointing at one of the pockets her denim jacket has.

"so where exactly are we going? you still haven't told me." luisa comments.

"you'll see." says the blonde mysteriously.

"give me a hint at least?"

"the station we're headed for is syntagma. feel free to process the information." she says and halts to wait for the cars to stop in order to cross the street.

"okay..." the brunette goes quiet for the few minutes left before they get to the station, then finally realising what her friend had in mind. "don't tell me we're going to their hotel."

"so clever of you." xenia praises her "yes we are, there will be many fans there. it's like an unofficial meet and greet."


"it's the only way you and ethan will be able to talk, honestly." xenia says simply as they're going down the escalator into the station.

luisa dismissed the comment with a chuckle, but deep down she couldn't wait to see him. she was curious. what did he even see in her? but what if it all was a misunderstanding? whatever the case, she was intrigued to say the least.

they scan their tickets and go down the stairs, getting there just as the train arrived.

they stand by the doors, chatting away as the melodic voice from the speakers announces one station after the other.

"next station, syntagma." the voice says as the train is speeding through the tunnels loudly, the old rails under it screeching when the driver hits the breaks to make it stop.

the two girls walk out, becoming one with the mass of people of all ages spilling from the train and heading for the escalator.

they scan their tickets again and exit the station, now standing on the famous syntagma square, also flooded with people going to all directions.

"where to?" luisa asks, scanning the numerous hotels surrounding the square.

"there." xenia points at one of the large hotels after checking their names one by one, then starting to walk towards it.

xenia was right; there were many fans there, waiting for the band to come out.
they squish between them and finally make it at the very front, as close to the doors as they could.

it was loud, but it increased the second the italian band walked out of these doors, some fans basically jumping them when they saw them.

they started greeting everyone, signing albums, bags, notebooks and even accessories.
some fans even had gifts for them, mostly drawings.

xenia and luisa stretched their necks, trying to spot ethan in the crowd and when luisa had finally spotted him, he was looking right at her.

xenia pushed her towards him while she went on to spot victoria, barely containing her excitement.

"hi" luisa says awkwardly.

"hi" he says, his accent making that simple word sound cute.

"i'm luisa, i just found out about you guys like a week ago. could you sign my bag please?" she says and rummages through her bag, finally finding what she was looking for; a black marker.

"with pleasure." he smiles cutely and takes the pen from her hand, smoothly signing it before handing it back to her. "you are the girl dancing on stage, aren't you?"

"yep! that's me! i loved your concert." she says, awkwardly fiddling with the rings on her fingers.

he leans closer to her and whispers in her ear. "you were very beautiful."

luisa blushed at the compliment, not exactly knowing how to return it but making sure he shows that she was pleased to hear it.

"i should get going now, there are many people who want to meet you." she says after a moment, having felt the stares she was getting from the fans surrounding them.

"hm? yeah, yeah. would you like...a picture before you go?" he proposes, making it pretty clear that he didn't want her to leave yet.

"sure!" she says and pulls out her phone, leaning close to him.

"is it okay if i touch you?" he asks sincerely and she nods, so he carefully places his arm around her waist.

she snaps the picture with a big, dumb smile on her face, then thanks him and rushes to find xenia.



while seeming busy greeting fans, victoria had her eyes on luisa and ethan's interaction and only got her attention diverted when a cheerful blonde appeared in front of her.

her english wasn't the best, but it was enough for them to be able to communicate.
the girl is named xenia and she's luisa's friend.

she was sweet and she was so excited that victoria felt like she was talking to a puppy.
a pretty cute one too.

then, after signing her cd, giving her a hug and snapping a couple of selfies, she went on to meet thomas and damiano, victoria's attention diverted to ethan again, who was now talking to some other fan.

she stretched her neck curiously, trying to spot the brunette in the crowd, but some other fan came up to her and she had to focus on them.

she'd question ethan later.



a new pov has been added to this one just bcs i felt like it
or maybe it means more 👀👀

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