twenty three

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two weeks that felt like a dream. that's what luisa would describe her short vacation in corfu.

but here she is now, at the beach, a few hours before the band gets on an airplane and flies back to italy.

luisa and her friends can't accompany them to the airport, so they decided to go for a last walk before they leave.

“what time is your flight?” she asks victoria who is sitting next to her, flicking through a magazine.

“eight pm.” she says dryly, avoiding to look at the brunette on her left.

“come on, why the long face?”

“well, after we get on that plane we don't know how long it will take until we see you guys again. i mean we will miss you.” says the blonde honestly.

luisa smiles and pulls the older in a hug, chuckling when she felt the blonde relax in her embrace.

“okay no more of that, i will cry.” victoria threatens and they pull away, just when ethan walks up to them, his long hair tied up in a bun; an attempt to avoid getting his hair too wet.

“go with him, i can see you're dying to get up. just don't take forever again.” victoria pushes luisa to her feet and watches with a smile as the two walk away slowly, hand in hand.

“where are they going?” xenia asks and plops on the warm sand next to victoria, where luisa was sitting a few seconds ago.

“to make memories.” victoria says, watching as the couple is walking away, struggling to walk properly on the sand.

“you said something so poetic and they both look like giraffes on high heels right now.” xenia comments, victoria instantly losing her serious expression and letting out a loud laugh.

as their friends are laughing behind them, luisa looks over her shoulder, having heard their loud laughs.

“are they making fun of us?”

“i wouldn't be too surprised, we've been walking pretty funnily.” ethan says, shrugging it off and finally sitting down on the sand, pulling her down with him.

she eagerly scoots in his embrace, her back resting on his chest. he is resting his chin on her shoulder as she is lightly caressing his arm with her thumb.

the wind blows their hair lightly, making ethan make a troubled expression as he tried to get some of luisa's stray hairs out of his mouth.

luisa chuckles and tucks her hair away from his face, tying it in a quick ponytail and laying again against ethan.

they stare away into the horizon, trying to memorize this moment in all the detail they can take in.

after a few minutes of silence, ethan breathes in.

“i'm gonna miss you.” he says and kisses her tanned shoulder softly.

“me too.” she says, leaning her head towards his. “well, it's not like we will completely lose touch. we'll talk on the phone, won't we?”

“of course we will.” he assures her kisses her cheek.

she turns her head and they look into each other's eyes, then leaning in and connecting their lips softly.

soon, they will have to go back to the others, say goodbye and go separate ways, without knowing when they will meet again.



ah yes romance

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