Time forever

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Requested by JulzLovDraco4Eva
"Mrs beaver?" I started we just finished up a little late lunch
"Yes dear?" She replied back sweetly
"When did you realize you were going to be with mr beaver forever?"
"Oh dear, that's quite a long story but i presume it must be the same for when Aslan thought he would raise you. I still have yet to meet the man but i assume he knew the moment he saw you."
"But isn't it different? You're in love with him, Aslan is just my dad."
"Well in some ways, but the level of commitment, no matter what type of love, is the same."
"well come on then! We haven't got all day!" An impatient voice trilled from outside.
"Well that'll be him." Mrs beaver sighed
"So this is your home?" A different voice, this one I've never heard before, was soft and quiet.
"Yes it is dear one."
Mrs beaver and I gave each other the same look and headed out of the lodge to see who it was.
Standing behind beaver were four humans.
They were humans.
I stood in shock unable to process what was in front of me.
"Guys! Look what the beaver dragged in." Mr beaver joked
"Human." I mumbled still in awe of their presence
"Yes and so are you." The older girl pointed out
"I am. Only I've never seen another human here in Narnia."
"Why's that?"
"Humand don't usually exist here."
"Then how id you get here?"
"Aslan raised me."
"The lion we need to see?"
"The one and only."
"So then you can tell us where he is?"
"I know where he is but I can't just magically take you there, it will still be a journey."
"Just take us to him." The older boy asked
I looked around and noticed it seemed different.
"Weren't there four of you?" The siblings looked around to see there was in fact one less than there used to be.
"Where's ed?"
"I'm gonna kill him."

Through the past day or so we had traveled throughout narnia. We had run into some problems consisting of cold, long walks and murderous wolves with a inferiority complex. My wrist still hurt from the fall is taken in battle with a wolf. Our feet started to ache, our hands and toes were freezing off and if we heard one more story from mr beaver we were going to lose our minds. Peter seemed to be lost in thought all day. I saw him furrow his brows so I put my hand in his shoulder to get his attention.
"What's going on Peter?" He shrugged and shook his head "you can tell me." Peters eyes seemed to water.
"Im just scared for Edmund. I know we can't save him but part of me feels like I failed to protect him."
"You didn't fail anything Peter. You didn't know this was going to happen. How could you have?"
"I know. I just promised mom..."
"What do you mean?"
"Back where I live. There's a war going on. All the children were separated from the adults and sent elsewhere. Before we left I promised my mom I'd take care of them."
"Separate the kids?! How do parents do that? I could never leave my dad."
"It was hard. Very hard. But I think my mom learned to be okay with it."
"I just think it's foolish."
"Even if they knew we'd die?"
"I would much rather die with my family than live without them."
"Well then you don't live in the real world."
"No Peter. I just didn't grow up as lucky as you." My tone was bitter.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to upset you." He turned his gaze away and frowned.
"Don't feel bad peter. It is what it is. And aslan loves me like five people would." I put my arm on his bicep as we continued walking and he walked closer to my side. It made me a little nervous when he got closer. Admittedly I'd never seen another human before so I probably would have had a crush on anyone who walked in but he just made me feel... happy. It was probably the hair or the bright smile. It could have been the laugh or the way he gripped Lucy's sleeve to keep top track of her, careful to not lose another sibling. He was just... warm.

Peters pov
She made me nervous. Really nervous. I'd seen a million girls but none like her. She wore her pride on her sleeve and walked with nothing but personality. She radiated an energy that could be nothing but her. She made me sweat even though she seemed pretty cold. She would brush off emotion and tie her sadness up in a bow like it wasn't anything but a part of life.
She confused me, maybe that's what makes me like her; she squinted at the sun often and smiled at the ground. Never at me. I wish it was at me.
I walked closer to her, hoping to melt the ice wall she'd forged between us.
"So how did aslan raise you?"
"Well he was my guardian and supporter but a fawn did all the hard work. Her name was Cala. She taught me how to speak and walk. She read to me and fed me every day. Don't get me wrong aslan taught me a lot. How to fight, how to believe in myself. He taught me love and how to get over anger. He taught me forgiveness. Aslan made me the person I am."
"He sounds... magical."
"He is." She laughed.
I looked at her smile as she tilted to the ground once again.
"Look up when you smile. It's better that way." I spewed unintentionally. Her eyes widened and mine followed suit. "I-uh... I didn't mean to say that out loud."
"It's alright. I liked it."
I was definitely blushing now that her eyes squinted at me. I turned my face away and tried to rub off the redness that was definitely finding home in my cheeks.
"Are you blushing?" She teased
"No! It's from the cold." I defended.
"Mm hmm." She let it drop but she knew. We both knew.

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