You know the drill by now...

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K so, Italics are dreams and thoughts. 

Things underlined are documents, notes, anything written down.

Trigger warnings are at the top of chapters with possible triggering content. 

This story I'm going to try to update when I can, twice a week. That's only if I have time which I hope I do, but yeah. 

Wow, this concept is basic af and done a million times but it should be fun to write above all else. I'm partial to high school aus because I like reading those a lot. 

But for those who have come from the end of my other story "As the Blood Runs Down the Walls" the sequel for that is in planning whilst writing this. I explained it in the penultimate chapter of that story so check there for more details. 

Alrighty, I think that covers all the bases I usually go over, so I hope you enjoy the story! Have a lovely day rats - Sav

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