(Chapter 27) Day at the Beach

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The first few days I was back, Gerard and I did nothing but laze around his room. You would think that I would want to go out and explore the nostalgic town, but to be honest, I was just fine hanging around the house. Frank and Ray would come over once or twice, but not for too long when they did. 

After around the fourth or fifth day of being voluntarily housebound, I got bored. I could tell that both Gerard, Mikey, and I needed to get out of the house somehow. Especially considering how Gerard had been cooped up in his room for nearly the entire time  I was in Florida, but that was about to change. 

I emerged out of his room around nine; A far earlier time than we had been getting up. I helped myself to a cup of coffee that Donna already prepared, then made my way to the wall-mounted telephone. After dialing, it rang, and rang, until finally, "What?" A crotchety morning voice groaned through the line. 

"Well, good morning! Aren't you just a ray of sunshine?" I returned with a sugary tone. "I was wondering if you wanted to drive down to the beach today?" I proposed, sipping my coffee after I finished my sentence. 

Frank seemed to perk up, "Oh yeah, sounds rad. I'm in!" He said with new enthusiasm. 

"Cool, cool. Meet here in about hmmm... An hour or so?" I offered. 

"Yep, see ya then," he then hung up. 

I proceeded to call Ray and alert him about the formulating plan, and he obviously agreed. After getting confirmation from both of the boys, I headed upstairs to inform Gerard and Mikey that they were required to come. I first knocked on Mikey's door, telling him that we were going to the beach, and to get his ass ready. 

I made my way back to Gerard's room, not even surprised by the fact that I caught him taking a swig from one of his liquor bottles. I said nothing, knowing full well that he couldn't just go cold turkey from his vice, alcoholism didn't work like that for him. He was definitely trying to do better, but there was a long road ahead. I quietly sat next to him on the bed, wrapping an arm around him. "We're going to the beach today with the guys, so you better get ready. They'll be here in an hour," I informed, then rested my head on his shoulder. 

He seemed to brighten up a bit, his face turning from guilt-stricken to more jovial. "Great, let's hope my trunks fit..." He said with an awkward chuckle.

I walked over to his dresser, looking through the bottom drawer. "Yeah this ain't gonna cut it," I laughed as I revealed his Spiderman-themed swim bottoms that looked to be about three sizes too small. "Well, we'll stop and get our swimsuits, snacks, and shit on the way there then," I remarked as I proceeded to fling the item in my hand at Gerard. 

"Rude," he swatted away as he shook his head with a light-hearted smile. 

~Time skip~

The sound of the front door opening was heard followed by two sets of feet clomping up the steps. "Hey you bitches, let's fucking go! Frank wants to go to the beach!" Frank declared as he burst through the door. 

"Alright, but we gotta make a snack run on the way," I said, getting up. 

"I swear if I have to bu-" He started but I cut him off.

"Yes, you're buying dumbass," I said as an audible surprised groan emitted from the man. 


After hitting Walmart, we headed on our merry way to the beach. The only downside was being confined in the car for forty-five minutes. "Are we there yet?" You can probably guess who sounded for the hundredth time. 

"No." An exasperated Ray answered as we were clearly still on the highway. 

"How abou-"

"SHUT IT SHORT SHIT AND JUST DRINK YOUR SUNNY-D!" Gerard bellowed sending Frank a death glare. 

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