(Chapter 7) Gullible Bitch

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A few weeks elapsed and before I knew it, it was the first week of November. It was a Tuesday, and of course, I had school. My walk to school seemed swifter and sooner than I wanted, I had arrived at school.

 As always, when I got to my locker, all my friends were hanging out. I had become even more resentful of Courtney as the year went on. She became even more bitchy and controlling over Gerard, which pissed me off more than her picking on me. Gerard and I rarely had time to hang out alone together besides at the treehouse or through window communication. Whenever we spent time together outside of that, she would rant and rave about how she wasn't getting enough attention and that Gerard was being a lousy boyfriend. She wasn't even aware of the treehouse, but if she was, all hell would break loose. 

Gerard had become slightly more reserved during this period. He talked less and just generally acted like less of the old Gerard I knew and loved. I felt as though if this continued, there wouldn't be any of my friend left; She would kill everything he was and what he stood for. I couldn't tell if the others picked up on this or not, but I certainly did. I could tell he was disappearing more and more, he'd eventually fade into a shadow of his old self, completely taken by her lies and manipulation. 

I talked about this to him before, trying to get him to realize she was nothing but bad news, but he didn't heed my warning. He tried talking to her, which didn't work. I couldn't tell what was stopping him from dropping her ass and getting someone new. I guess she had him wrapped around her finger too much by then. 

Nothing too extraordinary happened, so when the bell tolled Gerard and I headed to class. He wore a slightly relieved expression which I couldn't make out what was from. 

~Courntey's POV~

I decided to ditch in the middle of the last class before lunch. I simply excused myself to go to the bathroom, shooting a wink before heading into the hall. I basically got away with whatever I wanted, primarily because of my father's status and also my looks. I figured this fact out from an early age, the second factor coming into play when I entered high school. Life was a breeze when you never got reprimanded even when I would skip half my classes or be a nuisance in the ones I actually attended. 

Anyway, I began to walk to my locker to drop my books off. I approached and threw my books in without care, shutting the door with a clang of metal. I whipped around, adjusting my skirt as something caught my eye. Somehow on the venture over, a scrap of paper on the floor went unnoticed by me. I would usually think nothing of something as unassuming as a small slip of paper, but this called to me. It was right beneath her locker. I scowled slightly at the thought of the bitch. The thought of something interesting or something potentially damaging invigorated me to look at what it said. 

I bent down, lifting the paper to eye level for inspection. I let out a cackle, looking at it was well worth the effort. Things are about to get good

~Y/n's POV~

Class finally let out and we walked back to our lockers. The rest of the group was there chilling. I glanced quickly at Courtney to see she had the smuggest expression I'd ever seen plastered across her features. I couldn't tell why she was so self-satisfied; Even when she was gushing over her superiority over me she wasn't so happy with herself. 

I rolled my eyes, excited to see another note in my locker as there had been for the past few weeks. Whoever my secret admirer was, was incredibly diligent. They hadn't missed a single day since the notes started. 

As I flipped it over, my heart sank with despair. 

How does it feel to be fucked with for the past three weeks? Gullible bitch

There was a penetrating howl of laughter from behind me which made my feeling of betrayal turn over to undeniable anger. 

"Whatcha got there hmm?" Courtney said through a laugh. I inhaled deeply, trying to keep my cool. Yelling would have only drawn more attention to myself which I for one, did not want. 

"You are one cold bastard aren't you? Do you have anything better to do than exert all your energy into making my life hell? You're pathetic," I said with resentment. 

"I had to get you back for embarrassing me on the first day. Why do you take such offense to some petty rivalry? It's only fair that I get a clap back at you after that," She said dismissively, averting her attention to her nails rather than me. 

"I swear you just don't have any sense goddamn it. One of these days somebody's gonna hurt themselves over your 'petty rivalry' as you call it. What you say and do has perpetual inflictions and you're rich ass dad isn't going ot be able to get you out of that. Shit for brains, maybe you should pay attention in class rather than bribe your way through?" I said with disdain, pointing an accusatory finger at her. 

"That's it!" She exclaimed, straightening her posture and raising a hand as if she were going to escalate things to a physical altercation. I laughed as I cracked my knuckles in preparation. 

"Hold up you two!" Frank said stepping in between us, motioning for us to calm down. 

"Frank, this doesn't concern you," she replied.

"Yeah, this is between us, glad we can come to an agreement on something," I added, pushing Frank to the side. 

But before we could have at each other, Gerard grasped my hand firmly pulling me down the hall; Frank doing the same but with Courtney. Both of us took the ample opportunity to flip each other off as we were dragged in opposite directions away from the scene. 

Gerard led us outside, sitting down under a tree. We sat in silence for a minute, me crossing my arms indignantly. He was allowing me to calm myself down before inquiring about what happened. 

Eventually, he asked the inevitable question, "What was that about, Y/n?" 

"She pulled some more shit on me and I lashed out again, nothing more, nothing less," I synopsized, leaving out some of the important details. 

"What did she do this time?" He asked.

"I don't want to talk about it. It was embarrassing that I feel for that shit," I replied, looking off into the distance. 

"Okay, fine. I'll just ask Frank or someone about it," he sighed, but not in annoyance at my stubbornness. He knew me well enough that if I wanted to share, not to bug me about it because that will only make it worse. I'd probably end up telling him later. "I care about you, I just want to make sure you're alright," he smiled lightly as he stood up. 

"Thanks," I smiled back, feeling slightly better. He was always able to lift my spirits, no matter what the situation. I hated to admit it to myself, but I caught myself thinking, I wish he was the one leaving those notes. 

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