(Chapter 3) Frank's Announcement

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Tuesday morning, yet another day of school and another day I wanted for the school year to be over even though it was just the second day back. I grumbled and got out of bed, getting ready and making my way downstairs. I grabbed my usual cup of coffee and swung my backpack over my shoulder. Then I exited the house and started off to school. 

I walked down the sidewalk on that cloudy morning, not particularly certain what would entail with that glamorized hell-whore after the events that took place the day before. I hoped that our little dispute took her down a few notches and put her in her place, but there was a high likelihood things would be amplified rather than calmed. I hoped Gerard talked to her about how she treated me since he said he would. She seemed like she would be the type that would love to fuck with you, but when you began to bite back, she wouldn't have any of it. Well, I had played fair and square, but I could only assume she hated I got some leverage on her.

The wonderings on my mind during my morning commute to school ended as I approached the doors of the building. I entered, readying myself for the day ahead. 


Surprisingly, my day until lunch period was uninterrupted by a certain somebody. Rather, I got an easy morning of classes with nothing too out of the ordinary taking place. I was in a fairly adequate mood as I made my way from my class and into the cafeteria. I eyed around for our table, spotting it quickly due to Ray's easily spottable fro and the overly animated Frank probably in the midst of telling one of his drunken party stories.

I made my way over, scowling slightly at the already seated Courtney next to Gerard. Everyone was intently watching Frank and occasionally laughing as I neared. "And I swear to god this motherfucker fell right off of Andy's roof and into the goddamn pool! Literally, everyone in the backyard was soaked. The guy just broke his foot but we were all worried he got hurt a lot worse or something and Andy was gonna get sued or some shit. Anyway- oh hey Y/n!" He greeted with a goofy smile. "I was just explaining this story from when I was at a party heh." 

"Hey Rat Boy," I replied as I sat down. "Sounds pretty sick," I commented as his story was on par with his usual ones, so I wasn't surprised in the slightest. 

"Matter of fact, you know it's the first week of school, you know what that means?" He asked rhetorically, leaning forward more on the table in an encouraging fashion. 

"What?" We played along even though we knew exactly what he was going to say. 

"It's time for my annual back-to-school bash! WHOOOO!" He hollered with excitement as we clapped and expressed the same. He stood up on the cafeteria table, clearing his throat before announcing, "Aye! My beginning of the year kick-off shindig is going to be on Friday at 7:00ish. All of you fuckers are invited as usual." All applauded as he sat back down. 

Frank had been throwing this party every year since sophomore year and it was always expected. Since Frank hit his teens, he was the known party animal of the school; Even the teachers knew him as such. His parties were always the most highly acclaimed out of all the other students' parties. He was able to throw them more often since his parents were always out of town and he didn't have any siblings either. 

"Be my date to the party, Gee?" Courtney asked as if she already didn't know the answer. 

"Of course, why wouldn't I?" He questioned, bemused. She shrugged, pecking his lips prior to sticking her tongue out at me to which I rolled my eyes. That was absolutely childish, what were we in grade school? It seemed as though she hadn't matured to acting like an adult in those types of situations, rather sticking to the name-calling and ponytail-pulling kind of bullying and problem solving that happened in first grade. 

Somebody Out There Loves You After All (Gerard Way x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora