(Chapter 9) Dance, Dance

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Gerard and I made amends over the weekend, reviving our late-night window conversations and hanging out without Courtney knowing; even if she did, we couldn't have cared less. It was absolute bullshit that we had to go behind her back in order to just chill together, but alas, this was a hallmark of a manipulative relationship. 

Gerard wanted nothing more than to get out of it. He was totally done with her, yet he had no idea how to break the news with her. He confessed that it scared him to think about it, fearing that she might do something in retaliation. She seemed like the type to either beg to take her back or seek 'revenge'. It was a feasible conclusion with her track record of pulling shit on me just by an innocent association with him. 

I swiftly made my way to school, running in order to seek refuge from the pittering rain in the building I would normally hate to think about entering. My boot-clad feet clomped against the slick pavement as I finally arrived and pulled the door open. What a lovely start to a day, my eyeliner is probably fucked, great. 

As I wandered to my locked, I observed my peers being even more buzzing than usual. Most clumped up in circles, indistinct chatter reverberating. My expression scrunched slightly, puzzled at what the fuss was. 

I rolled my eyes with the realization the murmured scuttlebutt was probably about nothing more than the usual high school drama; so and so is dating this person, this couple or that couple broke up, and so on. 

As I opened my locker, I jumped from startle. Someone's hand slapped firmly against the locker next to me, the metal clanging and door shuddering on its hinges violently. I looked over to see a bright-eyed Frank with his hand against the locker, a piece of paper pinned under it. "What the hell was that for?" I asked with scrutiny. 

"Read this!" He exclaimed, visually thrilled at what the paper said. I shrugged and accepted the paper, scanning it over. 

"Yeah, whatever. It's just the poster for the winter dance. What's so exciting about that?" I asked, bemused. That must have been the reason for the hype that morning. 

"What's exciting is that this is the perfect opportunity for you and Gerard to go together! No more opinionated bitch-face, just you and Gee! Like it was supposed to be," he proclaimed, hands clasped together with an expression clouded with expectant rejoice. 

"Will you keep it down, Iero!" I shushed, earning some glances my way. 

"Sorry, but exciting right?" He chuckled with innocent eyes. 

"That's not going to happen. Because I don't have feelings for him like that," I whispered-yelled, looking at him like he was crazy to get the point across. "Not to mention that Courtney isn't going to give him up that easily. Gerard was just telling me that she can't get the hint that he doesn't really have feelings for her, or even worse, she won't get the hint because she doesn't care. The latter is more likely than I'd like to imagine," I explained, Frank's expression unwavering. 

"Oh please, you're still holding onto that? Where there's a will, there's a way. Now you keep telling yourself that you don't like him and maybe it'll come true. But in the meantime, I'm going to take you out dress shopping so you look hot when you do realize your emotions," Frank dismissed with a wave of his hand, scampering off to first period. 

I continued my previously interrupted task of getting out my proper books. I glanced at the stowed away notes, a twinge of saddened longing pulling at my heart. In my mind, I knew the truth, but my heart didn't want to believe it. 

~Time skip~

Lunch arrived and I had just gotten to my locker. Opening the door, quickened footsteps glided toward me, coming to a halt by my side. I looked over to see a shrunken Gerard, glancing around him, looking almost paranoid. "What's up Gee?" I inquired. 

"I don't want to go to lunch, she's gonna be there and I'm gonna be forced to go with her to the dance," He expounded, crossing his arms. "I've been avoiding her all day."

I sighed and massaged my temples, "This is not right, you've got to get rid of her." I exhaled with agitation. 

"I know, you know why I can't." He replied with sorrow.

"Yeah, well, let's get this over with, I'll be there. Y'know you can give me a signal and I can yell at her for something or other if she starts to get on your nerves," I said with a slight laugh. 

We entered the cafeteria, taking our seats, Gerard was immediately pounced upon by the attention whore. He grimaced, her unbeknownst to it as she got comfortable on his lap. "Geebear, where have you been?" She questioned, a hint of imputation in her tone. 

"Uh, I had a doctor's appointment, I got here last period," he lied carelessly, us all picking up on not to call him out. 

"Well, did you see the flyers? The dance is coming up..." she said, playing with a strand of Gerard's hair. "Don't you wanna go to the dance with me?" She probed, a gleam in her eye. 

"...Yeah, of course, babe," the word 'babe' tacked on with hesitation and distaste, somehow going under her radar. 

I felt terrible for Gerard, yet also a little spark of glee brightened inside me. It felt good at the same time to see that Gerard made his way out of the haze of illusion that she created, clearing the fog of his mind and coming to terms with the realization that she was never all that. She was always that much of a controlling, shallow shell. The next step, to break things off with her, easier said than done. Even though I denounced Frank's hopes, I couldn't help but to wish for them as well. The only hindrance was Gerard's inability to leave her, which I gave no blame to him for.

I began to tune out the rest of the lunch period, mindlessly eating my chips as my head was awhirl. Thoughts of myself rather than Courtney dancing effortlessly to some overdone slow song, not a disturbance in sight, not a bitch in view to wag her finger and telling us off, the most picture-perfect scene. I smiled lightly in my daze, goddamn Frank for being right. 

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