(Chapter 15) Into the Next Chapter

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We strolled home at a leisurely pace, taking our sweet time because we truly had nothing planned. Surprisingly, the sun had peaked out of the thick blanket of clouds that covered the sky in a winter's gloom. It was a very cliche thing, but it only made the moment ever the better. I kept my eyes on the cracked sidewalk to hide my rosy face with a smile from ear to ear hidden from him. He smirked over at me, chuckling while shaking his head once or twice. "This is new for you. I've never seen a lovestruck Y/n in my entire time knowin' her," he pointed out. 

"Don't think you're clever, Way. You've also got a pink tint on your cheeks as well," I retorted playfully. I would have hit his shoulder, but my hand was still held in his. "You look adorable though," I awed as the redness in his cheeks deepened further. 

"Stop it," he rolled his eyes at me, leaning his head back a bit. 

"No, I'm allowed to call ya cute whenever I want to," I sassed stupidly. We walked further, acting as petty as could be about this not-argument, argument we were having between each other. We reached my house, still 'bickering' about this topic. Before I could turn the knob of the door, Gerard lowered and firmly pressed his lips to mine. 

"Did that shut you up?" He asked with the knowingness that it would succeed. 

"Damn you," I cursed him with a light-hearted smile, opening my front door finally. 

We made our way into the living room, Gerard making himself at home on the couch. I walked over to the kitchen, retrieved coffee mugs for the both of us, and began to make some coffee. I hummed as I began to process the past thirty or so minutes of my life. A floorboard creaked and soon Gerard appeared at my side, also leaning against the kitchen counter. "Watcha thinkin' about?" He asked out of the blue. 

"How crazy things seem right now. Speaking of, can you pinch me? Just to make sure I'm not dreaming or something," I said with seriousness. Gerard obliged and pinched my arm, causing me to wince slightly. "Yep, yep, definitely not a dream," I laughed, rubbing the spot. 

"Why? Do you often dream about me?" He asked with a steep curiosity present in his tone, turning to face me rather than stare off into the living room. 

"Ha, you see, that's a very interesting question, Gee..." I trailed off to avoid spilling the truth. 

"Well, I wasn't born yesterday, I know ya do. You just can't keep yourself from lusting after me, an absolute dreamboat of whom can't stay out of your thoughts, let alone your dreams," he exclaimed melodramatically, reminding me of the infamous Courtney. That girl acted so similarly to the voice and pose he struck, but seriously rather than satirically. 

"Never do that again please and thank you," We both chuckled as he combed his fingers through his hair, fixing it from when the dramatic moves he pulled messed it up. 

By then, the pot of coffee had brewed, so I poured both our mugs and we migrated back over to the couch. He kicked his feet up on the coffee table as I sipped at the scorching mug, surprisingly not burning my mouth.  I rested my head against his shoulder, him catching my hint and rightfully wrapping his arm around me. I smiled at the little gesture. Since Gerard was closer to the remote, he flicked the T.V on and we settled into watching some cartoons, occasionally sipping our steaming coffees in each other's embrace. 

After around an hour of a marathon of whatever came on Cartoon Network, we both began to grow peckish. "What do you want for dinner?" I asked, stretching and standing up from the cozy couch. 

"How about the refined, high-class meal of a PB&J?" He answered, giving the simple dinner request vivacity and making it out to seem much more exquisite and profound than the regular American lunch classic that it was. 

"You've got yourself a deal," I confirmed his idea, strolling over to the kitchen to construct the sandwiches. I approached the cabinets, took out plates, and then pulled out the ingredients from various other parts of the kitchen. I placed the bread slices down, slathering a healthy amount of peanut butter on, taking into account putting it not only on the bottom piece but also on the top so the jelly wouldn't leak through the bread. I picked up the Smuckers jar, using all my might to try to get the thing open, yet failing miserably. I huffed, setting it back down on the counter. "Damn why is it harder to open a fuckin' jar of jelly than a pill bottle?" I asked to deflect from the pitiful attempt to open it. 

"I don't know but it's a good thing ya got me here," he declared with cockiness at his ease at opening the lid of the jar. He effortlessly unscrewed it, setting it down before going to pour us drinks to accompany our meal.

 "I know, what would I do without you?" I said, fully embracing the cringiness of my actions as I stole a kiss when he stood up from putting the jug of juice back into the refrigerator. 

We both enjoyed our straightforward dinner sitting together at the dining table, holding hands awkwardly as we tried to eat with the unoccupied one. 

"How about a movie?" I proposed as we moved sluggishly back into the living room. He shrugged in reply as he went over to the entertainment center, pulling out a VHS of some horror movie we had on hand. We rolled the tape, the screen lighting up in the dimming room due to the sun slowly setting. Gerard lay down on the couch, making grabby hands to me. I complied by lying down in front of him, pulling the blanket off the back of the couch to cover the two of us. His arms wrapped loosely around my torso as he let out a sigh of relaxation, snuggling into me more. 

The movie progressed and I could barely pay attention, both reasons were in conflict and completely contradicted each other. On one hand, the warm comfort of being curled up beside him made my eyelids grow heavier and harder to focus on the screen. But on the opposing hand, my mind was awhirl at the butterflies fluttering at the fact that my dream was coming true. I was in such ecstasy with what happened with Gerard, the smile was not swiped off my face for even a second that whole afternoon and evening, not even when I was approaching sleep. I could tell Gerard was in the same place as me as I hadn't seen him so upbeat since before things began to go downhill with Courtney, which at that point had been months. This was what my dream was; To be able to bring light to his life beyond what just a friend could do, to be there regardless of anything and go through life side-by-side, together. 

I couldn't help to think of where this progression in our relationship would take us. We hadn't declared that we were dating yet, but I felt it was in our near future. I hoped at least, there was always a small roar of doubt in my mind, but I tried my best to push that aside and focused on the happy thoughts.

Eventually, my eyes closed fully and the noise of the movie ceased, presumably the credits then rolling. Gerard shifted behind me, possibly taking note of my sleepiness. If I wasn't so tired, I would have put forth a greater reaction to him carrying me bridal style up the stairs, but I couldn't muster anything. I was set down on my soft bed, feet dangling off the side. I squinted my eyes open slightly, enough to see the pajama pants being put down next to me as Gerard continued to look for something for himself to wear. I shimmied out of my jeans, slipped on the pants, and moved under the bedcovers. Gerard was soon to join me, cuddling up as we did after the dance. It wasn't long before the both of us drifted off into a sound sleep. 

A/N: Is it just me or does anyone else find it so hard/weird to write fluff? 

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