(Chapter 28) To the End

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~A few months later~

The trunk of the car squeaked open, a box nearly falling out due to the amount stuffed in. We didn't want to make two trips, so we really crammed them in there. I already had gone in to get our keys and everything sorted, so it was time for the laborious task of hauling all our crap into the fourth-floor apartment we could now call our own. 

After filling our arms with all we could carry, we headed to the elevator, riding it to the correct floor. Following the slightly battered geometric carpet, we arrived. The golden number 406 shone back at us as Gerard fumbled with the keys, needing to set a box down to manage. 

He slipped the key in the lock, the door opening on his command. Beyond the threshold of the door awaited the dim little one-bedroom that we would inhabit for the upcoming years of college. We wanted to move closer to where both of us were attending, but still be in Jersey. Of course on our budget we couldn't get much, hence the cramped space and questionable condition of the complex, but it was something to call our own. 

Dropping my load on the creaky floorboards, I spun around, examining the space. Every cobweb, every dent in the wall seemed irrelevant to me as I gazed upon the place with rose-tinted glasses. "It sure is cozy," Gerard commented, putting his hands on his hips. 

"This is so cliche, but it's perfect for us, Gee," I replied, throwing my arms around his torso. Of course, we sealed the full cliche with a  kiss. "The good news is, we won't really have to buy any furniture or anything," I added, bringing attention to the furniture already adorning the apartment. 

"Well, I do like standing here with you like this, but we ought to bring the rest of our shit up here before it starts to get dark," he remarked before pecking my forehead and walking back down to our car with hands intertwined. 

After about forty-five minutes of moving stuff up, all of the stated boxes were strewn around the room, ready to be unpacked. Locating the box marked, 'CDs' I pulled out the player. I plugged it into the outlet in the kitchen and turned it on the rock station. The sound of Lithium by Nirvana emitted from the well-used system, helping our exhausted selves get the motivation to start unpacking. "If we want to do anything, frankly, we're gonna have to start this," I huffed, looking around. He sighed, pushing some of his hair out of the way of his eyes. 

"Especially if you wanted to... christen the bed," He smirked. 

"Oh stop it," I dismissed with a shake of my head, kneeling down to open a box. 

~The next day~ 

My eyes creaked open to the muted room that was still littered with boxes despite our strenuous efforts the evening prior. Curious, I looked over to the side table at the little digital clock. 2:37 PM, holy fuck! I thought as I looked back over to the still sleeping Gerard. 

"Why are you up, it's too early," he groaned, pulling me back to his bare chest. 

"Early? It's two in the afternoon, Gee. We gotta get up," I informed, him finally opening his eyes halfway. 

"five more minutes, please," He bargained. 

"No, I'm gonna go and get the coffee on. You stay here and I'll bring you some. How about that?" I asked, still unable to move from his iron grip on my waist. 

"Fine, love you," he said as he pecked my lips. 

I slipped out of bed, replying the same as I left to visit our new kitchen. It took a minute to find the coffee filters and cups since I wasn't used to the new layout, but eventually, I retrieved both and started the machine. It was great that Gerard was doing much better with his depression and substance abuse, I was hoping that the move would help him improve greater since he was out of his old environment where his struggles grew and thrived. As of the move, Gerard had been stark clean. I guess Mikey was right...

 After a few moments of waiting, just looking upon our new kitchen/living room while feeling quite accomplished and liberated that we got our own place, the coffee brewed successfully. As I poured Gerard's cup, I was jerked out of my morning daze by frantic knocking on the door, followed by, "QUIT YOUR FUCKING AND LET YOUR OLE PALS IN YOU COCKSUCKERS!"

Shortly after, before I reached the door to unlock it, a shout from the bedroom could be heard, "FRANK SHUT THE HELL UP AND BE PATIENT." 

I opened the door, revealing Frank, Mikey, and Ray. Frank of course tackled me to the floor in true Frank fashion. "Well hi to you too," I replied, shoving him off of me. We stood up, doing our secret handshake. "How did you even get our address?" I asked, confused. 

"Donna," Ray stated plainly. 

"We had to come and throw a house-warming party, of course," Frank rolled his eyes, pointing to the snacks and drinks lined in the other two's arms. "Now where's grouch at?" He craned his neck around to the door of the bedroom, answering his own question by walking there. 

"I wouldn't do that, he hasn't had his coffee yet, he's dangerous..." I warned as the rest of us observed. Frank simply laughed as he opened and shut the door. 

A couple of seconds later, all we heard was, "ST-OP T-TICKLING ME, YOU'RE GONNA RE-EGRET THAT!" Gerard shrieked, then a loud thump was heard followed by fast footsteps and caterwauls from Frank. The door burst open as the two chased each other through the small living room and past us out the door and down the hall. We poked our heads out the doorway, observing the two rolling around on the floor, laughing too hard to actually hurt one another. A roar of laughter was heard from us as well as we watched the two.

Eventually, we all receded back into the apartment, piling the snacks and drinks the guys supplied onto the coffee table. Gerard and I got dressed and finally had that lukewarm coffee as we just hung around for a while. We were not gonna see each other as often as usually did as we weren't all going to the same college, so it was nice to hang around altogether. 

Of course, we decided to settle down and watch a cheesy horror movie as we ate all the snacks; That was one of our favorite pass times. "Ahem, I propose a toast," Frank said, standing up with his Yoo-Hoo raised high. We averted our attention to the little man as he cleared his throat once more. "I would like to toast to new beginnings and horizons, for the past, and the future and yadda-yadda other cliche things people say in the movies. I want to wish these love birds a wonderful new home and life, psst Gerard you better marry this bitch, or else I'm gonna smack you into next week. Anywho, to Gerard and Y/n!" He cheered, us all clinking our drinks of choice together. 

"Wow astounding speech, Iero. Truly inspiring," I chuckled, patting him on the shoulder. 

"I know, aren't I fantastic?" He played along, grinning cockily. 

"Y'know, over all the years I've known you, you still haven't changed much. Physically and in how you act," Gerard added, taking a sip from his Capri Sun. 

"And you haven't changed your insults at all. I get it, I'm short," Frank shook his head, throwing a chip at Gerard. 

"And I won't be changing them anytime soon, either," He chuckled. 

And as the day seemed to close with lasting friendship and an uncountable amount of laughs, it was apparent that we were always going to be there for each other. Through every new chapter in life, every bump in the road; Even when we would be apart, sometimes by hundreds of miles, we would have each other's backs, until the very end. 

~The End~


A/N: Well folks, that's the end. This has been such a fun write for me. I just can't believe that it's finally finished! I hope you enjoyed and I thank you so much for over 1K reads before the fic was even finished. You guys are so fucking rad and I can't thank you enough. 

The next fic will be the sequel/continuation of As the Blood Runs Down the Walls. As always, it should be up in about a week-week and a halfish. It may take a little longer since I'm gonna be attending a concert next week, so that may mess up the timing a bit for when the first chapter is released. 

Anyway, thank you all, and have a lovely day rats! -Sav

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