(Chapter 21) The So Long, Farewell Party

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~Y/n's POV~

The time sped by and before I knew it, somehow it was only a week until moving day. Every day seemed to carry a priceless value that, beforehand, would have been comparable to an easily expendable penny. It was crazy how I took all of those times before I learned I was moving for granted. You never know when the unexpected can happen; I wish I cherished those simple afternoons, early-morning excursions, or even perhaps those ordinary conversations more deeply. But, what was done was done, so I was left grasping onto whatever memories I could create in the one week before that infamous day arrived. 

Gerard and I had just left school, walking down the slicked road that was damp with last night's rain. I kicked some of the puddled water with my boot, contemplating whether to inquire about the odd occurrence that Ray, Mikey, and little bitch Fronk all had things to attend to after school. Sure, sometimes one or two of the guys had something going on, but not all three at once. I finally decided against it, thinking that I wouldn't get a sufficient answer out of Gerard. I huffed and moved closer to him, regretting carelessly splashing in the puddle because the sprayed-up water soaked the bottom of my jeans slightly.  

We approached the Way house like we had a thousand times before. Gerard's house offered a sense of comfort and nostalgia that I was trying so desperately to hold onto, seeing as I wouldn't get to live by that safe childhood haven for much longer. No more perusing the halls where countless games of hide-and-seek or tag ensued, no more rummaging the kitchen for a midnight snack or a steaming cup of coffee with one of the most meaningful and relationship deepening conversations proceeding. Gerard could tell that I was entrenched in thought, him taking a note at me tensing up and eyes becoming glossed. A gentle kiss was placed on my temple as we made our way up the driveway. 

Gerard opened the front door with a nervous smile, revealing the darkened living room. I shrunk into the foyer, waiting for Gerard to enter as well. At that moment, the lights flickered on suddenly, revealing the room to be glittering with party decorations. A chorus of "Surprise!" was sung as the three suspiciously missing boys popped out from behind various furniture. I stood shocked for a moment before smiling giddily and laughing as you know who sped towards me, knocking me to the ground in a hug. "Iero let us have a turn, stop it!" Ray protested as the little monster squashed me against the floor. 

"Yea- What he said- I need to breathe! You're squishing me!" I objected in disjointed sentences, gasping for breath. 

"Frank if you suffocate my girlfriend, I'll personally skin you alive and bury your remains in a raccoon invested dumpster. Get off her," Gerard asserted with obvious exaggeration. 

"Woah there, protective much?" Frank laughed, putting his hands up in surrender. I shook my head at the two as Mikey and Ray both gave respective hugs. "But anywho, surprise Y/n!" 

"We wanted to throw you a going-away party, so here it is," Ray explained then motioned toward the living room and open kitchen. Mikey was over by what appeared to be Gerard's CD player that was moved downstairs, putting on one of my favorite CDs. I could spy the kitchen counter filled with a variety of my favorite snacks, drinks, and of course alcohol, alerting me to the fact that Frank helped with the planning. 

"You guys are the best, all of this for me?" I asked, looking once more at the streamers and balloons embellishing the room.

"It's the least we could do, Sugar," Gerard piped from next to me, wrapping an arm around me. 

"Well let's party!" And with Frank's outcry, the festivities commenced.

 We began by serving ourselves drinks and bringing a few bags of chips over to the coffee table, where a game of truth or dare took place. Realizing this would most likely be the last time we played together, the dares and questions amped up in intensity tenfold. By the end of it, Frank was wearing his pants as a shirt and vice versa, Ray's hair was straightened and styled up in three ponytails, Mikey was throwing up violently from being forced to do the disgusting dare of brushing his teeth with ketchup and mustard, Gerard had one eyebrow shaved off, and I just finished gracing our neighbors by singing a magnificent rendition of 'She Goes Down' by Motley Crue in an Irish accent from the Way's front stoop. 

Next was strip never have I ever. The rules go, if you haven't done the statement said, you must take off an article of clothing. "This is unfair!" Mikey exclaimed as he removed his jeans, throwing the blanket that was often on the back of the couch over his exposed boxers. 

"Yeah," Ray agreed. 

"No, it's not, I just have really obscure/questionable answers," Frank defended. 

"Okay, but who in this room besides you would get drunk, go on the merry-go-round at a kid's playground and then subsequently fall off at high speeds? I think you want to see a particular someone without clothes on," I commented while wiggling my eyebrows and gesturing toward Gerard. 

"Uh no- I just wanted to make things interesting. You guys are just boring," he yawned, taking a sip from his cup. 

"I think we know who the winner is then," Gee declared. We all nodded in agreement. "Well I think it's time to unveil the final surprise, then we can watch a movie. How about that?" He asked the group. 

"There's still more?" I blurted with shock. 

"You bet, wait here a second. I'll be right back," He added before disappearing out of the room. 

I sat on the couch, already feeling as though I had been showered with enough, more than necessary. After a minute or so, he returned with a slim, flat, wrapped gift in his hands. Expectant eyes were on me as I was handed the flashy package. I opened it slowly, once the item inside the mysterious paper was visible to me, I couldn't help but choke up. "Oh, you guys..." I trailed off, taking a moment to collect myself before tearing the rest of the paper off. What the present was, was a beautifully drawn realistic picture of all of us together, smiling happily. "Gerard, did you draw this?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"Of course, I thought you would like it to remember us all. Do you like it?" He questioned, a wave of self-consciousness seeming to take him over. 

"Do I like it? I love it! You couldn't possibly be more thoughtful-" I said before abruptly being stopped by a sniffle followed by some more tears. 

"Don't cry, Y/n," He said before bringing me into his arms, wiping my eyes.

 When I calmed myself down, I kissed him as passionately as I could, whispering an 'I love you'. The guys erupted in awes as we turned our attention back to them. "Thank you all so much, I don't know how I'm gonna make it without you. I couldn't ask for better friends." I said genuinely, wiping another loose tear as the rest of the guys piled into a group hug. I could swear that all of us shed at least a few tears while we stayed in each other's embrace. 

"Okay, enough of this being sad bullshit, how about that movie?" Frank spoke up, his voice a little muffled from being sandwiched between me and Ray. 

"Yeah, that sounds good," I agreed as we disbanded from the group hug. 

The lights dimmed to the glow of the static TV until Frank inserted one of the VHS tapes from the cabinet of the entertainment center. Gerard and I rummaged through the linen closet for any spare blankets and turned up successfully. We tossed the findings onto the floor along with any throw pillows from the couch, all of us cuddling up on the heap as we waited for Ray to finish making up the popcorn. 

That was the conclusion of that evening, blissfully together for one of the last times, watching the entrancing TV screen that was one of the sources of memories throughout our childhoods and teen years. 

Everything felt fuzzy and warm, not just from the heat of all of us cuddled together, but from the feeling of a lifelong memory to be had. I would never forget that feeling of togetherness and the strength of our band of misfit friends. This was the kind of time that you would want to revel in forever. The kind that you looked back on when you aged as some of your fondest. And as the film went on, I couldn't help but catch myself letting another tear slide. This one not from sadness, but from the happiness of being with my best friends. 

A/N: Okay, I'm super sorry about having this chapter out so late in the week, but I have a good reason. MCR'S NEW SONG OMG DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED! IT'S SO GOOD AND I JUST NEEDED TO PROCESS THE FACT THAT THEY FINALLY RELEASED SOMETHING AFTER ALL THOSE YEARS. Anyways, we have about 8-9 chapters left until the end, just wanted to give y'all a heads up. Have a lovely day rats! - Sav

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