(Chapter 22) The Hardest Part of This is Leaving You

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I flopped over restlessly, eyes still cracked wide open even though I'd been in bed for countless hours. The bright red glow of the digital alarm clock illuminated the disarray of my bedside table. 5:53 AM it read boldly, snagging a groan of frustration from my throat. Realization soon set in as I rolled onto my back to stare at the ceiling. This is the last time I'll ever stare at this ceiling, I thought with fear arising, eyes widening accordingly. Today is my last day in Belleville. 

I lay paralyzed for around twenty minutes, thinking of all the horrors  I would have to come to terms with within the proceeding nine hours. Our flight to dreaded Florida took off at three, cutting my time short with the guys. With this thought in mind, I shot up swiftly out of bed, getting dressed presentably as quickly as possible. All of our stuff was packed and on a moving truck heading down the coast, so my outfit was already laid out on the bare floor, waiting lifelessly to be worn. 

I shrugged on my jacket as I flew down the stairs, disregarding the need for breakfast and beelining straight to the Way residence. The guys all unanimously decided to skip, deeming that my last day in town was much more important than lousy school assignments. I already knew that Gerard was wide awake from the visible yellow light emanating from his window. He was probably in the same boat as me, stricken with the importance of the day, to wound up to sleep. 

I crept over to their house, unlocking the door with the spare key under the mat, opening it slowly so as for it not to creak. I wouldn't normally sneak/break into Gerard's house like that, but this was an exceptional occasion and dinging the doorbell seemed inappropriate at around 6:20 on a Friday morning. Mrs. Way said I was welcome at any time, so why not? I didn't have any time to waste, time was of the essence. 

I moved effortlessly up the stairs, to Gerard's inviting room; Being lured like a moth to the shine of a lantern. The familiar blue walls littered with countless artworks and band posters enveloped me as my eyes landed upon my boy sitting at his desk, doodling. His head perked up without me speaking a word, him swiveling his chair to look at me standing in the doorway. "You're awfully early, Dear." 

I shrugged, walking over to his seat, and wrapping my arms tiredly around his pajama-clad body. We both sighed in unison, letting the room be encompassed in silence for a minute. After a while, he spoke, "Want to go to the treehouse one last time?"

"Of course," I agreed before moving to sit on his bed, biding time while he got dressed.

Hand in hand we slipped out of the house and into the chill of morning, the sun still trying to creep above the horizon. In no time at all, we traveled the journey into the woods that we would resort to for years prior. We both knew the way like the back of our hands, and I always would. The slicked boards of the ladder leading up into the treehouse creaked a groan as we both climbed into the cradle of childhood and early teen memories. We held hands still, leaning our heads against the shambly moss-ridden walls. "I think this place, out of anywhere in Belleville, is the one I'm gonna miss most," I said with a weary smile. 

"And I'm gonna miss being here with you," he replied, rubbing the back of my hand. 

"Promise to look after it for me? Until I get back?" I asked desperately. 

"You'll come back, Y/n?" An eager expression of hope arose on his features, most blatantly from his widened eyes. 

"What makes you think I won't?" 

He looked down at his lap sheepishly, his mouth frowning slightly. "Well, when you move away, you're gonna make new friends. You're gonna forget about us, Y/n. I'm sure you're gonna meet someone better than me too. You'll probably forget to call us and we'll never see or hear from you again," he said sadly, seeming to imagine it in his mind.

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