(Chapter 1) One Hell of a First Day Back

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I pushed some of my (h/c) strands out of my eyes as I scribbled away in my sketchbook, bobbing my head along to the beat of the music coming through my CD player. "I'm a cliche, I'm a cliche. I'm a cliche, you've seen before!" I sang along obnoxiously to the song by X-Ray Spex as I started inking the drawing. It was nearing one in the morning the night before the first day of school, and I wasn't planning on going to bed soon. I had insomnia that wouldn't allow me to fall asleep until the near dawn of the new day. 

My best friend Gerard suffered from the same condition, leading to our many sleepovers where we would be up causing a commotion that prompted my dad to come in and tell us to go to sleep for fucks sake. We would never actually obey his orders, only then giggling and whisper-talking to each other in darkness instead of the yellow-tinted lamp's light. 

Gerard and I were closer than the rest since he was my next-door neighbor. Due to the crampedness of the New Jersey suburbs, the houses were so pushed together they only allowed for a short distance between them. Which for kids growing up in the '80s could be amazing. No need to have a landline receiver pressed up against your ear to hear the voice of a good friend. Not to mention having to stay where the cord allowed you to, it sucked for kids with rooms in the upstairs which applied to Gee and me. So we could just open our windows wide and have a conversation that way.

Dad was on a business trip which he took frequently, so I was left alone sometimes. It was prime for teens to hang out, yet I was never the type to through house parties, that was more Frank's cup of tea. 

Anyway, I was pulled out of my creative trance by the sound of a clank against my window. I looked over and saw the silhouette of Gerard in his window, motioning for me to come over from my spot at my desk. I chuckled and walked over, unlatching the old window. "Hey Gee," I greeted simply. 

"Hey, Y/n," he replied, resting his elbows on the windowsill. "You ready for school tomorrow?" He asked casually.

"Who do you think I am? Of course not... especially because of someone in particular," I whispered the last part to myself. 

"Don't worry about it, you'll do fine. We've got two more years of hell until we're free, we can make it, I promise," he commented as he recognized my hatred for the school system. 

"Yeah, yeah," I said waving my hand in reply. "I better try to get some sleep, you should as well. I don't wanna have to deal with your grouchy ass on an already terrible day 'cause you stayed up 'til four am," I stated tiredly rubbing my eyes. 

"Okay, I'll try," he said smiling before wishing me goodnight. 

~Time skip to morning~

The alarm clock I hated so much screamed at me to wake up. 6:32 AM, it read which was much too early for my liking. Usually, I woke up after the lunch hour, so that was a rude awakening. My tired eyes creaked open as they were just adjusted to the sunlight coming from my windows. I groaned in frustration as I laid back down for a brief moment before succumbing to the fact I would in fact have to get up eventually or I'd be late. 

With a swift movement, I was up on my feet and walking over to the dresser to get an outfit put together. My old reliable Misfits shirt and trusty skinny jeans were put on first; Of course, I wanted to be as comfortable and bring as much happiness into my day as possible so I chose those. I walked into the bathroom, fastening my belt as I got started on my morning routine.

I skipped breakfast as it was already late due to my lollygagging around to try and procrastinate going to school. I locked the door behind me, swung my bag over my shoulder, and started to walk down the street kicking a stone as I went along. 

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