(Chapter 14) Somebody Out There Loves You After All

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I got home that night feeling over the moon. It was kind of fucked to feel so elated for literally beating the shit out of another person, but I did. It felt so relieving to enact some revenge on someone who had caused me so much turmoil over a lengthy period of my life; I felt almost powerful. Prior to that, I hadn't been cowardly per se, but just powerlessly feeble. Over the weeks leading up to the fight, I had started to gain some high ground and that stunt she did at the dance with the events after was really the last straw. Something had to be done and I had done it. 

I strode up the stairs, arriving in my room. I waltzed over to the window, opening it and throwing a random object to hit Gerard's to get his attention. He got up from his desk, stretching before meandering over to his closed window. He opened it, greeting me with, "Why don't you look happy this afternoon. What's going on? I haven't seen you like this in a while." 

"I whipped a pretentious fucktard's ass, that's what," I replied, cracking my knuckles.

His eyes widened a bit before responding, "Really? What the fuck happened?" He leaned his elbows on the windowsill intently, ready for the details. 

"Well, your ex tried to act all high and mighty by putting a note on my locker to meet her outback. Let's just say she's not gonna bother us anymore," I explained simply. 

"Well that's good, she needed some sense knocked into her. Why in the world would she think she could beat you in a fight though?" He pondered aloud, confusion prevalent on his features. 

"Who knows, she is in fact a crazy bitch, so a lot of the things she does don't have an excellent explanation," I shrugged. "All that matters is she's not gonna fuck with us anymore which is a miracle." 

"It is indeed. God, I'm glad I don't have to pretend to be into her anymore, I feel liberated," he said with a small chuckle. 

"Hell yeah, it was totally messed up that you had to do that in the first place. Relationships shouldn't be like that," I added.

"Mhm-" He started to reply before a shouty call from his mother rang from downstairs. 

"Gerard, get down here and do those dishes!" She said causing Gee to groan. 

"Well I guess I'll see ya later," he said in addition to a wave. I also waved, closed my window, and went to turn on my radio. 

~The next morning~

~Unkown POV~

As I walked down the empty hallways, I found myself in an emotional conflict. Part of me thought that there was no way in hell that this idea would lead to anything good, and the other was telling me to grow up and do it already. 

The side that wanted me to go ahead and do it already was the more reasonable option considering the recent events that had taken place. I mean how long was that meant to go on for? She truly believed that the one leaving notes in her locker was Courtney. This meanst, that if I kept it up, it could and would most likely end in an argument and continued conflicts with Courtney. 

I trudged on, eventually arriving at the place I had both been dreading and longing for, her locker. I stood before the metal door, paralyzed in thought. I had done this every day for over a month, but this time was different. It was the day that all those notes had been building up to. I took a deep breath, slipping the note into the slanted metal opening. Well, it had been done. This could either completely ruin my life or the exact opposite. 

~Y/n's POV~

I approached my locker to acquire my lunch before heading to the cafeteria. I opened it with near certainty that the 'love' notes would have ceased, and there would be nothing more than the ones that I had amassed through the weeks. I planned to throw them out that morning, yet I didn't have the time. She was one dedicated prankster I thought, leaving them so religiously and all.

Somebody Out There Loves You After All (Gerard Way x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now