(Chapter 10) The Best Damn Dress I Own

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The week came to a close, uneventful besides the announcement for the winter dance. Early Saturday morning, I snoozed contentedly in an adequate slumber for once. Sufficient nights of rest were few and far between prior to all the events that took place, but the stress from school had made my sleep schedule even more disjointed than imaginable. 

My eyes were shut tight and my mind deeply emerged into a dream when- "WAKEY WAKEY EGGS AND BAKEY, WAKE UP MOTHERFUCKER!" Frank screamed, shaking my shoulders violently. 

"AH I'M UP! Goddamn you Frank," I shouted back, looking at the short man with confused annoyance. "I was in the middle of a good dream, you little shit," I rubbed my eyes, looking at the clock. Straight to hell with him for waking me up at eight on a Saturday. 

"A dream about Gerard?" He smirked with amusement, biting his lip. 

"No Franklin, not at all," I replied, lying back down. "How in the hell did you even get in here? The doors and windows were locked..." I thought aloud, befuddled. 

"I have my ways... I needed to make sure you were up bright and early so we can go dress shopping," he crossed his arms, acting in a fake offense that I forgot about the occasion. "No arguing either, get dressed so we can hit the road," he turned and left, I could hear cupboards being rummaged as undoubtedly he was raiding my kitchen for snacks. 

I hastily got ready, recognizing that if I took too long, the kitchen would absolutely be annihilated by a ravenous Frank. I stumbled downstairs, spying him waiting at the dining table wearing a disheartened pout, tapping his fingers on the table. "Where did all the Twinkies go?" He huffed.

"You ate them all!" I laughed at his genuine grief over the emptied box of Twinkies that he consumed the last time he visited. "How about I make pancakes?" I suggested and he perked up right away. 

We had a hearty meal of chocolate chip pancakes heavily dowsed in maple syrup, him chowing down on a stack of five before we made a delayed exit, and jetted off to the mall. We made our way over, jamming out to his CDs as we eventually creaked to a stop in the parking lot.

The morning, in spite of my abrupt awakening, was going well considering my previous disinterest in the idea of dress shopping. My spirits made the turnaround and I was actually excited. If it was anyone who could make anything and everything at all fun and light-hearted, it was Frank. 

We entered and weaved through the amassing crowd of people swarming the one and only mall near. We observed other students from Belleville High with the same idea; The dance was only a week away so it made sense. 

Frank guided me into a store, not many people inside which I enjoyed. The racks and shelves were lined with a plethora of dresses, skirts, the whole kit and caboodle. I smiled as the clothes were more my style than the usual clothes I stumbled across in the mall. Frank pulled me over to a rack, beginning the endeavor to find a suitable dress. 

After around twenty minutes of me trying dress after dress, I was feeling slightly discouraged. There was no lack in supply of them, but my indecisiveness and usual overwhelmed feeling kicked in, making it impossible to focus. I started to nit-pick and find anything wrong with the dresses, yet Frank was not even close to giving up. "I'm getting tired of this, maybe we should just pick one and call it a day? I don't really know anymore," I called through the dressing room door. 

"Aye don't say that! Here I have the perfect one, it's just your going to hate me for it," He said with a short chuckle. 

"Okay?" I asked more like a question. "How could I hate you for a literal dress?" I inquired aloud. 

"I- Here just, here you go," he stumbled over his words, passing the mysterious dress over. 

Slipping the dress on, I understood Frank's comments when presenting me with it. It was definitely outside of my comfort zone, causing me to cross my arms self consciously, eyeing my appearance in the mirror. The dress was a tight-fitted velvet black dress, coming down to about mid-thigh. The spaghetti straps and deep v-neckline adorned with lace were something foreign considering my shoulders and cleavage were typically covered by a band shirt and leather jacket. I felt bare, throwing my jacket back on remedied the exposed feeling. "C'mon let's see," Frank called from outside.

I hesitantly squeaked open the flimsy dressing room door, stepping into Frank's gaze. His eyes widened, his jaw dropping almost cartoonishly. I looked down averting my gaze, fidgeting with the bottom of the dress. "Holy fuck, you look hot!" He exclaimed without a filter, a trademark of Frank Iero. 

"You think so?" I asked, making sure he didn't have any underlying doubts. 

"Hell yeah, I think so! You look better than Courtney tenfold. You could get Gerard any day in that. Well, I'm sure you could without the dress, but it sure does help," he reassured, adjusting the outfit slightly as he rambled. 

"Well let's get outta here, I'm about ready to get lunch," I said as I returned to take the dress off. We proceeded to pay, Frank found himself a suit which was a surprise. I half expected him to show up to the dance in his usual attire. But even that would have been preferable to the year prior when he forgot about the dance so he showed up thirty minutes late in spiderman pajamas. 

Afterward, we rounded off our trip to the mall by hitting up the food court for those shitty slushies we always got for some reason, him getting cherry and me a blue raspberry. We settled ourselves at the table furthest away from other people as we could, sighing as we dropped our bags and sat back. "Cheers to a successful shopping day," I clanked our slushie containers together. 

"And here's to you and Gerard's romance to begin, may you ride off into the sunset soon after he drops that attention whore's ass," he added, making me cock a brow but still cheers anyway. 

Eventually, I found myself back home after an eventful day. I was actually eager for the dance's arrival. I'd be lying if I said I was kind of anticipative of Gerard's reaction to how I looked, clad in the outfit and all. Even though I had trepidations when I first tried it on, I came around to the fact that I looked absolutely killer and I was going to sashay up to Courtney and show her up. 

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