(Chapter 16) Shut up, Iero!

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About a week had passed since that pivotal day. Our relationship status was still under the radar and unannounced, still unbeknownst to the rest of the gang. I was enjoying the lack of pressure and visibility of Gerard and my's 'thing' we had going. We ourselves were unsure of what to call it since we hadn't discussed the formal labels of boyfriend and girlfriend yet. 

We were chilling in Gerard's room after school, no one but ourselves occupying the Way house since his parents were at work and the guys were presumably getting ice cream. We lied and said we both had projects to work on so we couldn't hang out, but that was most certainly a lie. It was hard to keep our relationship a secret seeing as we were a friend group that shared everything with each other. There was no such thing as a secret, and if there was one, it wouldn't be kept for long. Mikey had tried to keep Kristin hidden, but of course, Love Wizard Frank swapped occupations for a day and became Love Detective Frank to crack the case which proved successful. 

I sighed a pleased sigh as I cuddled further into Gerard's comfortable, yet cramped bed. I rested my head against his shoulder as he worked on his latest drawing in his sketchbook. God was it fascinating to watch him sketch, his delicate hands scribbling away diligently as his vision came to life on the page. I could have genuinely spent hours like that and it would have never gotten old. 

After a while of silence between us, just the music from the radio to fill the void of noise, he signed his work and laid the sketchbook on his bedside table, and turned toward me, kissing me. The abrupt sound of voices filled the house followed by the slam of the front door pulled us out of our dreamland. "Oh god, they're here," Gerard groaned, hoping they would recognize he was 'busy with his project' and leave us in peace. 

"I have a bad feeling," I said from nowhere and stared suspiciously at his door. "Is your door locked?" I asked, seeing as I was supposed to be at my house working and not there. 

He thought back, shaking his head slowly. The door inched open and then- "AHA!" Frank pointed with triumph. "FUCKING FINALLY! MY SUSPICIONS WERE TRUE!" He yelled, alerting Mikey and Ray who were trailing behind him. "LOVE DETECTIVE FRANK WINS AGAIN! YOU TWO OWE ME TWENTY BUCKS!" He turned to the other boys, laughing in victory. 

"Ugh fine, good job Frank," Ray complied, fishing in his pocket. 

"Good game, Frank," Mikey shook his hand. 

"Now, you two," he started, zipping over to the side of the bed and resting his elbows on the edge, his head perched with expectancy. "Give me all the juicy details. When did you get together? How often have you two hung out since then? Do you make out often? Have you two fuc-"

"Woah, Woah, Woah, slow your roll you little twerp," Gerard scolded, retrieving a magazine from his bedside drawer and wacking the little bitch with it. "How do you know that we are dating? Like we platonically cuddle all the time," he pointed out and I nodded to back him up. 

"Well, Y/n was red as a cherry when I walked in and you two kind of scuffled to get away from each other. She should also be at her house if she's supposed to be working on a project. I'm not stupid," Frank retorted with confidence. 

"Debatable," I replied. "Fine you caught us," I gave in, putting my hands up in surrender. 

"It was about time you two got it on," He huffed a sigh as if the amount of time it took was agonizingly slow. "If someone didn't make a move soon I would have had to intervene. Like c'mon sparks have been flying for years, YEARS!" He exclaimed dramatically. 

"Might I add that I have been making moves for hmm over a month, just subtly y'know? I didn't want to have some over-the-top thing about it, just the notes were enough," he explained further, satisfying the little bastard that resumed his dazzled listener stature. "We haven't been together that long, Franklin, I'd say a week?" He stopped, looking over to me for confirmation to which I hummed an 'mhm'. 

"Well finally that one got someone, she was one unhappy camper for the longest time, I mean it was depressing just to be around her moppy self-" 

"Shut up, Iero," I took my turn to wack him with the magazine, instantly halting his comment that resembled something a relieved downcast mother would say when their child finally got a partner after years of search.

"I wasn't finished with what I was saying, or my intrusive questions!" He pouted. 

"Well, I sure am," Mikey piped up from the doorframe.

"Yeah, Frank, like who the fuck asks about other couple's intimacy? Like bro..." Ray trailed off bringing up a great point. 

"Oh, well you can most certainly ask about Jam's and mine. We do it quite often, I would sa-"

Cutting him off, Gerard jumped off the bed and pounced on the unassuming boy, tackling him to the carpeted floor. Gerard began tickling the shit out of Frank, causing him to squeal and giggle in response, begging him to stop. "Well, are you going to shut up finally?" Gerard asked as he continued with his rain of tickles. 

"Y-Yes I swear, just quit it!" 

"Good," Gerard moved away from the recovering Frank who was giggling so hard he got himself into a coughing fit. 

"Can we actually get ice cream now?" Ray asked impatiently, making me raise an eyebrow in confusion. Wasn't that what they just came back from? 

"Yeah, you made us basically stalk them, I think you owe all of us, Frank," Mikey added, crossing his arms.

"Hell yes that little rat owes us, poor Mikes needs compensation for what he had to hear and witness, I think you also owe us for apparently stalking us? Did I get that right?" I asked still slightly lost. The rest of the guys affirmed my comment. 

"Bitch I'm broke," he replied turning his pockets inside out for effect. 

"Don't lie to me, I know you keep a fifty in your shoe." 

"Fineeeee, let's go then," he exhaled as he got up, us all zooming out the door and into Gerard's car. 

When we arrived, we all ordered, us all voicelessly agreeing to get the most expensive shit we could just to run Frank's funds low. He deserved it, so none of us felt remorseful in the slightest. We all enjoyed the delectable ice cream as Frank tasted nothing but utter pennilessness as all he could get was a cup of vanilla, no toppings added. All that to say, our afternoon had such a turnaround at the indigent Frank's expense. 

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