(Chapter 13) Catfight

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I recuperated from the fiasco at the dance over the subsequent weekend. I spent the majority of the time hanging out with the guys or just Gerard alone. The cherry on top was the fact that I didn't have to see her repulsive face at any of my get-togethers with the guys, which was a first in a long, long time. Being in her mere presence for a fraction of a second poisoned my mood, so imagine hanging around her nearly every day for months!

Gerard hadn't mentioned her in the slightest which I was both glad and confused about. I had no idea where they stood with one another; I had no idea if they had broken up or not, which they hopefully were, but I was still unsure. The only articulated dialogues about her were between the rest of the guys and me, most instigated by, you guessed it, Frank. It was almost an unspoken rule to not utter a word of her in front of Gerard, which I understood completely. That was indeed a very nasty argument and it only made sense why he wouldn't want the opposing person brought up. 

The oddest, yet fortunate thing happened during lunch on the following Monday. We were all seated at the lunch table, making casual conversation, when none other than Courtney made her entrance. She looked a lot less outgoing that day than usual, looking around for a table. Her eyes finally found us, but rather than being herself and sashaying over to sit pridefully on Gerard's lap, she did the unimaginable. She just scowled deeply and walked away. "Well looks like Courtney Mcbitchface finally got the fucking memo," Frank pointed out to the others who hadn't noticed. 

"Fucking finally," I replied with a sigh of satisfaction, squeezing Gerard's hand since he was on my right. I could never comprehend why Courtney had such a personal vendetta against me specifically. I mean yes, she didn't treat the other girls at the table well, but she sure did act at a level of bitchy that was absolutely tenfold to me compared to the others. She would go out of her way to enact hatred toward me rather than just doing it occasionally to the others. Gerard looked back at me flashing a half-smile. "Goddamn she wouldn't even let me sit next to you half the time when she'd sit here," I said, directed at Gerard. 

"I know it was utter bullshit. I just don't know why she felt that she could choose who I could be around, it's just stupid," He responded with a shake of his head. "I hope she rots in hell," He added, opening his bag of chips, 

"A-fucking-men!" Frank said to which we all replied in content agreement.

What was even odder was the fact that the "love notes" kept continuing. I expected them to halt when we returned from the weekend, but no. Before I went to the cafeteria, I looked and there was the usual adorable note lying in there. It was surprising that she hadn't given up yet, but a flicker of hope glowed inside me for a brief moment upon reading that note in particular. I had a tiny belief in me that it might not be her anymore, but that was what she was probably hoping for me to think, so it died out within minutes flat. 

When I got back to my locker, I approached with slight befuddlement as there was something else out of the ordinary. A crumpled piece of paper was taped to the metal door, a messy message scrawled on without care. Getting closer, the scribbly lettering became more legible. My gaze scrunched before rolling my eyes. Written was the message,

Out back after school bitch

This was penned with no signature added, but it wasn't hard to deduce who was the writer. You could definitely tell she was trying to be intimidating with that note, but with little effect. I just sighed in response as it was just another thing to deal with. 

I didn't bother mentioning the note to anyone as there was little purpose in doing so. What in the hell was she going to do anyway? Tell me my clothes were so last season and throw her heels at me? There was no point in getting anybody in a fuss over her attempt to be all tough. It would sure be a funny story after the fact though, so that was another reason to save it. 

~After school~

I walked out towards the back of the school. Frank and I usually skipped back there often, so I knew exactly where she was talking about. I opened the back door, revealing the view of the dampened concrete and bleak atmosphere. The brick walls of the school were covered in a sufficient amount of graffiti from both my friends and other kids over the years with the same idea. 

I craned my neck to look to both sides of the door, looking to see if she had shown up. And sure enough, the bitchstick that I'd become wholly hateful towards stalked closer, a smirk present on her face. "Alright, can we make this fast? You're old news and I'm tired of dealing with your pretentious ass," I said with boredom, putting my hands in my jacket pockets. 

"Who says I'm old news? You must live under a rock seeing as I'm the main event and apparently you're unaware," she replied with an almost laughably high mocking tone. 

"Can you get your head out of your ass for one second to realize that you're out? Nobody likes you, especially Gerard. You two are over!" I finished the last sentiment with great pleasure. 

She seemed taken aback, placing a hand on her chest in astoundment. "You must be mistaken! Gerard hadn't even uttered anything such as a 'we're over' or 'I'm breaking up with you'. We just had that little scuffle on Friday. I just can't stand being around tramp-trash like you, so that's limited my abilities to talk to my boyfriend," she put a huge emphasis on 'my'. She stepped closer until she was about five feet in front of me, not even causing me to flinch or lose my confident posture. 

"You must be the stupidest bitch I've met. From what that fight looked like and the fact that Gerard hates you, it's pretty damn crystal clear that you guys are finished. Just move on! There surely is some dumb jock that'll take you gladly. Leave us all the fuck alone!" I raised my voice, starting to gain a temper. 

"Well aren't you nothing more than selfish! You just won't leave US alone! You're just jealous because you can't have your little romance and I have everything you want," she retorted, getting fired up as she seemed to be shifting in her place. 

"That's it!" I said before properly bitch-slapping her square across the face, a long-awaited satisfying sound emitted as my hand clashed with her skin. 

That seemed to be the tipping point as she hurled herself at me, latching on and making us both fall on the concrete. Before I could get up, she started to scratch me with her long nails, her rings causing small skin abrasions. She attempted to throw a punch to my gut, yet failed miserably as I regained myself. I stood up, pushing her off me and towering over her as I landed a few good kicks. I made sure to get her designer dress she had on muddy from the bottoms of my boots as I kicked. A devious smile spread across my lips as I finished, her still lying on the ground. "Stay the hell away from all of us, I hope me kicking your ass will finally have beat some sense and self-awareness into you," I added before walking away without another word uttered. She coughed behind me, not even making an attempt to respond.

Today was a good day, I thought with amusement

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