(Chapter 12) Wipe Off That Makeup What's In is Despair

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I didn't know how long I'd been in there, slouched against the grimy stall. The usually muffled sound of music radiated as the door to the bathroom was opened. I groaned and hugged my arms around my knees, hoping whoever entered would make a swift exit. "Y/n? Y/n are you in here?" The familiar voice of my comforting friend, Ray, called. 

I couldn't help but whimper in an attempt to hold back a sob, another wave of tears threatening. Soft footsteps walked ahead hesitantly, listening for where the sound of my crying was emitting from. A few seconds later, I could see his tattered sneakers in line with the stall door, his knuckles then knocking lightly. "I know you're in there, we're all worried about you," he said gently. 

I couldn't deny Princess Fro Fro like that, he always had a way to care for all his friends in almost a motherly way. I slid the latch, the stall door swinging open by itself. As soon as I was revealed, Ray instantly stooped down, hugging his arms tightly around me. After a minute or so, he pulled away, wiping my tears away considerately with his thumb. "C'mon, we're going home, this dance was boring anyway," he laughed with a small smile, hoisting me up to standing. Ray's smiles were so contagious one couldn't help but pull at the corners of my mouth; he seemed pleased as he led me out of the dirty stall. 

I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror as we sauntered out of the girl's bathroom. My perfectly done hair was now a tangled mess from me running my hands through it, my lipstick a smear, eyeliner slicked down my cheeks, dress saturated with the sticky punch. She was right, maybe I was a mess but that didn't matter, I was too subdued to care. The imaginary scoreboard indicating our wins and losses between us was becoming more and more in her favor. How could I have let her get to me this bad? 

We re-entered the overpowering room, me becoming shrunken as I latched to Ray's side. I kept my gaze to the little amount of floor I could see, the rest covered with dress shoes and heels as the party procession went on. As we walked out, I could feel people's heavy stares and my mind started making up what they might have been whispering to each other. There's the whore, stealing Courtney's boyfriend for a dance. Courtney should have done more than throwing some punch at her, she's just a crybaby begging for attention. The booming noise of thoughts berating my mind caused me to bury myself even closer to Ray, sniffling as he swung an arm around me. 

The cool breeze caressed me as we left the building, shoes then clapping against the asphalt of the parking lot. Once we got closer to where our cars were parked, the tranquil sound of silence and the evening wind was splintered by the noise of two people yelling at each other. Ray stiffened and walked faster as the sound loudened. "-And you had no fucking right to do that to her! Don't you ever think that your actions have an effect on people? She ran off to god knows where, probably having a breakdown, all because you couldn't get your fucking jealousy in check! You pathetic bitch!" The dear voice of Gerard boomed with rancor. 

The voices grew as Gerard and the person to who his yells were directed came into view. No matter how many years I knew Gee, when he was angry never ceased to be scary. I hadn't heard him really shout many times, he had told me that it even scared him when he got that way, so he tried to keep his anger in check. But every once in a while, he would just flip and there was no telling when he would calm himself down. Hence the times he would carry on for twenty minutes, leaving the whole house petrified with his hollers. 

The only times I'd been on the receiving end was when I broke his Atari game controller when we were about eleven, or when Mikey and I played some dumb prank on him and he didn't talk to me a couple of days after. That time was rather wholesome as he came over and talked to me for an hour on my porch, apologizing repetitively for ignoring me. He told me he couldn't live without me and those were the worst three days of his life. 

"Well, she deserved it! She needs to know what her place is, and that it's not right to do that with you! Also, Gerard Arthur Way why did you even initiate that? I should be upset at you even more than that skank!" The cacophonous sound of Courtney's ear-piercing voice retorted back. 

"Well-" Gerard started before I caught his eye, Ray rushed us both into Gerard's car. I could only assume that Courtney was not going to get a ride back with him, so I took her seat. Christa, Mikey, and Kristin were already in the back ready to go; We were just waiting on Gerard who was still having a well-deserved go at Courtney. I felt terrible for ruining everyone's night, so I curled up in the front passenger seat watching the view of the two's fight through the windshield. 

Eventually, the driver's side door was opened and slammed shut, a fuming Gerard sliding in and starting the car's engine. He looked over to me momentarily, shaking his head while mumbling to himself. He gave my hand a light squeeze in a wordless way to say he was sorry. He averted his attention to getting us all back to our respective houses, driving the dead silent car out of the school parking lot, gripping the wheel firmly in an attempt to calm himself down. 

Soon we arrived at our final destination, the Way house. I slowly sat up and opened the car door, exerting little energy as my tired body stood up, sleepily making my way toward my porch. Before I could make my way to the first step of the small staircase up the porch, I noticed the raven-haired boy following me discreetly, soon catching up and opening my front door for me. "You should go home and rest, Gee," I commented into the open, beginning to climb the stairs to the second floor.

"No, I'm going to stay with you, I want to make sure you're okay," he replied, his footsteps prevalent and unwavering behind me. 

"Stubborn as usual I see," I rolled my eyes, causing him to chuckle in response. 

Once I got to my room, I instantly collapsed on my bed. Still sticky dressed and smeared makeup clad, just wanting the sweet serenity of sleep to wash over me. I sighed as I heard the shower being turned on, Gerard entering and standing position at the doorway. "There's no way in hell that I'm letting you sleep in that, go shower Y/n," he said, motioning for me to go. I groaned standing up but flashing him a weak smile in thanks for his compassion. 

After my warm shower, I changed into a pair of clothes he left on the bathroom counter, wiping what was left of my makeup off with a makeup wipe. I walked back into my room, Gerard lying on my bed flipping through a Fangoria magazine I had, himself changed into some spare clothes as well.

I went back over, sliding under the covers as Gerard cut the lamp off. The room fell into darkness as the foreign feeling of lying near my best friend overtook me. Typically, either Gee or I would be on the floor in sleeping bags or a pillow fort, but not that time. Gerard rolled over to face me, running a hand through my hair as I appreciatively cuddled closer to him, being enveloped in his warmth. I couldn't help but smile as I began to slip into a comforting sleep, unsure of what was to be of the whole Courtney situation, yet too solaced and tired to care. 

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