(Chapter 6) The Day That Starts It All

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A/N: I don't really know about the title of this chapter man, I just wanted to use a song reference and couldn't think of anything else 

Monday morning arrived which brought me great dismay. I was rather worried or unsure about what would ensue with Gerard after Friday night. I was hoping he would just pass it off and never speak of the matter again, but I had a strange suspicion things would stir about it again. 

With a disgruntled huff, I threw the covers aside and began to dress for school. Afterward, I completed my morning routine and headed out the door. The fall breeze chilled me slightly, causing me to shiver. I crossed my arms in an attempt to maintain warmth as I tuned out the world on my morning walk to school. My thoughts were a flurry from recent events such as my chat with Frank two days prior. Thinking on it more, I had caved into the fact that Frank was indeed correct, but he'd never know that. Maybe I did have something there for my dear friend, but I wasn't ready to even believe it myself, let alone relinquish my feelings to him or the others. So, my plan of action was to push those emotions down deep and try to forget about them. 

I approached the building, entering with apprehension. When I neared the group, of course, the hell-whore was there; Looking more extravagant and insufferable than ever. I knew for a fact she was going to be even more rancorous than ever after what I pulled. Not even what I pulled on her, it was just luck and she got what she deserved for bending the rules. Anyway, after a brief morning greeting to my friends, I headed to first period with Gerard. 

The day dragged by ever so slowly. I could have sworn the clock hands took twice as long, if not longer, to reach that time where the glorious bell sent us on our way to the next class. I was enlivened by the fact that my next class was with my favorite short fool, Frank Iero, and of course, Princess Fro Fro. 

I waved hello as I sat down beside the two. Unsurprisingly, even with Fronk and Ray there, the class was dull. Halfway through, a crumpled paper thwacked me in the ear. I turned in annoyance, only to see Frank motioning to open it. The paper read,

Wanna skip? Ray's gonna make a distraction

I gave a vigorous nod at the opportunity to get out of that dreaded class. After I signaled yes to the plan, Ray reached in his backpack, withdrawing a box of crayons. My brow furrowed slightly as to how on earth was he going to produce a distraction with crayons of all things. I watched intently as he expelled out a yellow one, him rising to his feet slowly. He held the crayon high, almost regally, presenting it to the eyes that were beginning to avert attention to him instead of the teacher. "Now, I shall do what no other man has done, consume this here crayon." He announced as he began to bring the waxy utensil to his lips, gnawing of a chunk. 

"Mr. Toro what is the meanin- Oh my lord!" The teacher gasped as Ray fake-choked on the crayon, falling to his knees and coughing violently. It was more than convincing. When she began to swiftly come Ray; Frank and I bolted, speeding out the door before Ms. Henderson could even utter an objection. 

Leaving the building, we swung the doors leading behind the school open with glee. We laughed together as we did our secret handshake in celebration. "Hell yeah, I don't know how much longer I could have taken of that before I actually fell asleep from boredom," I said, retrieving my carton of cigs from my pocket. 

"Same here, hun," He agreed, lighting my cigarette for me since I lost my lighter. "We owe Ray after that show. He really went all out with that one," He added with a chuckle, me nodding my head, laughing in agreement. 

After a while of fooling around, mostly graffitiing the back school wall even more than it already was with some spray paints we stowed back there previously. Before the bell rang, we moseyed back inside, opting to just hang out by our lockers and wait for the rest to get out of class. Our footsteps echoed through the empty hall, or so we thought it was empty. As we neared our lockers, an additional set of steps were heard just as we were about to turn onto our hallway. The other person's pace quickened to a jog as we got closer, and as we turned the corner they disappeared; no person was in sight. Odd.

Shaking it off, I opened my locker as Frank headed on to the cafeteria with Mikey who had just showed up after the bell sounded. I pulled my lunch box out only for a small square slip of paper to fall out as well. Puzzled, I flipped it over to see if it had anything written on it. I definitely hadn't put that in there earlier. When I turned over the paper, there was in fact something scrawled on the other side. Upon reading it, I couldn't help my heart to flutter, and a small blush dusted my cheeks as a slightly surprised smile spread on my face. The letter read,

You look beautiful today, Sugar

A simple, yet meaningful message that was completely out of the blue. If it were anybody else who received it, it would probably have meant little to nothing, but to me, it meant everything. I instinctively looked at my surroundings to see if anyone, in particular, was focused on maybe my reaction or something, but I came up with nothing. Trying my best to get that stupid grin off my face, I tucked the note back in my locker underneath a textbook just for good measure. 

On my way to the cafeteria, I couldn't get my mind off what had just occurred. I really wanted to believe that the note was for me genuinely, but my second thoughts couldn't allow that. I started to make up that it was most likely for someone else, or perhaps put in there as a joke. Most likely the latter, I thought. 

I made my way to our table, I sat down quietly between Christa and Mikey, still stunned even if I convinced myself it was some sort of dumb prank. "What're you grinning like a bitch at? Is Sass Queen's attractiveness too much for you to handle?" Frank laughed, receiving a piqued exclaim from Courtney in response. 

"I- ah it's nothing," I waved off, turning my attention quickly to my sandwich to avoid his playfully acquisitory gaze. He snickered, "Okay then, where was I? Oh right..." And I tuned out the rest of his story as I was too focused on the thoughts in my headspace. 

Despite how much I reasoned with myself about what happened right before entering the cafeteria, every day after would be further proof that it was not a mistake or joke or anything except what I hoped it was. I didn't even know who this mystery person was, yet I was filled with excitement at each note I would receive as this would become a pattern. That was the day that started it all. 

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