(Chapter 5) Love Wizard, Frank

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I began to stir as the wretched noon sunlight streamed through the kitchen window that lived above the dinky sink. I moved my head a tad upwards only to recoil in pain of the intense hungover-driven headache that pounded. My body was sore from most likely drunkenly collapsing on the hard linoleum. I laid writhing for a few more minutes before pulling myself to my feet and upstairs to change out of the previous night's dirtied outfit, shower, and acquire the much-desired Advil from the medicine cabinet. I trudged upstairs, rubbing my eyes as I approached my bedroom. I rummaged for clean clothes and headed straight for the shower. 

Afterward, I dressed and took the Advil alongside a sip from the bottled water on my bedside table that had been there for god knows how long. Feeling refreshed, I decided to eat then retreat back to my bedroom. 

After a while of laying in the gloom of the dim room, I got the oh so brilliant idea to open my curtains to see what my best friend was up to. I moseyed over to the blinds, pulling the flowy grey fabric apart only to close it right back up the way it was a few seconds before. Encased back in the bleak shadow of the sunless room, I was processed what I saw. I ended up at the emotion of slight anger, but at what? I witnessed Gerard and his girlfriend lying in bed, which was just an ordinary thing couples did. Well yes, the likelihood that they drunk-fucked was high, but why did that concern me? 

The fact of the matter was, I was upset that Gerard was dating a repulsive excuse of a human being, yet that was his decision to make. I had no business in who he dated, even if that meant I was treated as nothing more than scum by said person. With this said, I couldn't seem to ignore her or surrender to his decision to stay with the bitch. 

After a little while longer of doing nothing in particular except laying with my thoughts, I heard the phone ring echoing up the stairs. I descended down, eventually arriving, and pulling the old wall-mounted rotary of the hooks. "Hello, L/n residence," I answered customarily.

"Oooh so formal," Frank mocked with a chuckle.

"Hey Rat Boy, what's goin' on?" I asked adjusting the receiver to be more comfortable. Frank liked to talk and talk for lengthy periods of time, so I prepared for such. 

"Ah, nothing much. How are you doing after last night?" He inquired.

"Relatively fine, just the normal hangover shit," I replied casually. "You?" 

"Oh yeah, I'm fine, hun. I just wanted to call since you were... a mess. You can thank Ray Ray for taking you home," He explained. So that was how I got home, makes more sense.

"I'll have to give Mama Fro Fro a call or something, thank him and such." 

"Mhm... Now enough of that shit, time to question you about what the fuck that was with spin the bottle," he said with sudden eagerness. 

"Whatever do you mean Frankie?" I said with slight fake innocence lacing my tone that he so obviously picked up on. 

"What I'm getting at is, YOU DEFINITELY LIKE GERARD," he screamed making me jolt and pull the phone swiftly away from my ear. 

"Goddamn Frank you didn't have to let all of New Jersey hear that," I commented at his increase in volume. "And no I don't like Gerard like that, he's just my best friend, what are you talking about?" My eyebrows knitted together in slightly confused frustration. 

"You're serious N/n? I could see the zeal as you two kissed. If Courtney didn't split you two up I think she would have left the party alone and Y/n the homewrecker would have taken what was rightfully hers." Frank expounded, putting his full belief into it. 

"Franklin, you were drunk what would you know? You probably couldn't tell a cat from a dog if you tried last night." I said with some sass. 

"Good point, I was in fact drunk, but I know exactly what I saw. You're just being difficult and not confronting the truth, I know you like him more than a friend. I'm an aficionado of love and relationships, I think I know what I'm doin'," He said as if he studied the subject in college and acquired a degree on it. 

"Hah, yeah right," I rolled my eyes. 

"Says the one that isn't in a relationship," He said and I instantly slammed the phone back on the hook, jokingly hanging up on the little twerp. Of course, he called back seconds later, which I picked up. "That was rather rude," He said with a click of his tongue.

"That was the point dumbass," we both laughed and continued to talk for a good extra forty minutes. 

After our talk, my mind couldn't help but be focused on Gerard. I couldn't possibly have developed feelings for my best friend right? He was the most important person to me since the third grade, and I had always seen him as nothing more than my friend; So how could all of a sudden the prospect of romantic feelings occur? I kept telling myself that I must have misinterpreted my emotions toward him. There is no way in hell that I could even think about dating him, was what I had to repeat in my mind. I definitely was overcome with a thirst for revenge on Courtney so I made it look extra passionate, there were no feelings whatsoever of that sort for him. Not. At. All. 

A/n: My apologies that this chapter was kinda short. I hope it will suffice until the next chapter when things are gonna start to kick off more with this story. Interpret that as you will, but yeah. And I'd quickly like to comment on the fact that this story is actually doing exceptionally well for having only 5 chapters out, so thank y'all sm so far. Have a lovely day rats! -Sav

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