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It didn't take long for life to return to normal. Colleen had me on a new diet and I took my brother's advice. I ignored Fallon's calls and messages; I ate a lot of zinc, and ran the track near my house twice a day.

I learned I love running. Even now I like the feeling of my blood pumping while I listen to music and tune out the world. Back then, I wanted to tune out that part of me that craved nothing more than to see Fallon's face.

I refused to restart my medication. I did it after my breakup with Kellen and was so sure Fallon wouldn't have been able to pull the wool over my eyes without it.

My nightmares were gone. My subconscious comprehending the wedding was off, even if Colleen and Winston didn't know it yet. I was free, and yet, it felt like there was a boulder on my chest.

"So... what happened?" Brielle winced as she, Em, and I gathered on my bed.

It was a little under two weeks before the start of my Junior year. I was happy I could see Emily before she left for school in Boston, but my depression was written all over my face.

I kept it simple; telling my friends my parents were being unreasonable, so I ran away to live with Fallon.

"Where did you sleep?" Emily asked with a curious smile.

I took a breath in an attempt to keep my cool as I told my best friends about the emotional roller coaster I experienced living with Fallon.

I tried to play it off like it didn't matter. Smiled softly for the happy parts. Hesitated the times it felt hard until my mouth flowed without restrictions.

"And then we had sex," I admitted.

Emily jumped to her knees, excitedly questioning how it was. I didn't know. I didn't have much to compare it to. I didn't enjoy it like the women in porn, but my mother had warned me long ago porn was fake and teenage boys only knew how to bang against you until they came. I figured, that was normal.

"Fine, I guess?" I shrugged. "It kinda hurt," I softly admitted, pulling my knees into my chest.

"It always hurts in the beginning. You get used to it." Emily excitedly hugged me before welcoming me into the big girls club and giving Brielle a pointed look.

I'm not sure when Brielle lost her virginity. I know it was to Wrenner, but I never wanted to know about her and my brother's sex life. Brielle is a romantic, she always believed in romance and a soulmate and didn't want to give herself to anyone until she was sure she met hers.

"Shut up." Brielle rolled her eyes. "I'm just waiting for the one. You've seen them together, they were obviously in love."

Her words hit me like a Mack Truck. I felt suddenly short of breath as my mind flashed with happy memories of Fallon. His eyes, his smile, his voice, his touch, even his laugh. I missed it all, and it hurt so bad.

"Rue... are you okay?" Brielle asked, as I tried to hold myself together.

I tried to breathe. Shake away the feeling and hold it in. Emily's smile faded, a knowing look on her face as she told me it was fine.

"It's alright, just let it out," she said softly.

I shook my head. It wasn't. I didn't want to cry. Crying was for the weak, but then they hugged me and I broke.

"I love him. I love him so much!" I sobbed uncontrollably.


I'm still wearing my dress from the gala as I back through the door. It's a glittery rose-gold strapless gown I couldn't wait to model for Fallon. I've missed him. I know it's weird, I just saw him last night, but I missed having him close to me. Annoyed, I slept in the guest room last night.

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