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I cried the rest of that night, too distraught to even tell Wrenner what was wrong. Fallon called twice but I couldn't deal with him, turning my phone off feeling devastated and somehow embarrassed by what my life had become.

I thought that I was out from under my mother's thumb. Enjoying my secret emancipation I had stolen for myself. The whole time Colleen had a trump card in her pocket, and as I realized every moment since I had arrived was training to be a good wife to a man I met once in secret, I knew I didn't have the luxury of saying no.

I woke the next morning, exhausted from a lack of sleep. I had just showered and while walking across the room to dress, I caught a glimpse of my naked body in my rounded floor mirror.

I hadn't noticed until that moment but all my practicing with Fallon changed my shape. My ass was more ample, my waist curvy and small and, though I was still in development, even my breasts seemed to be more womanly.

I looked at myself and willed my body to stop growing. Willed myself to be anything but someone Yaran would consider stunning. Something the stranger would mount and breed.

I thought he was a decade older than me. It's funny what four and a half years can do because the thought of my first kiss being with a twenty-three year old man felt more traumatising than it being with a nearly nineteen year old wolf in sheeps clothes.

I wonder how he would kiss me when we reunited. How he would touch me for the first time. If he would be gentle. If he would wait until I was ready or if it would be what it was meant to be, rape with parental consent.

I saw myself no different than Cal's girls. My body sold for the profit of a man that decided my pussy was all I'm worth and I broke.

I had anxiety attacks before but panic attacks are a whole new beast. I hit the ground hard; naked and clawing at my throat. I couldn't breath as I had my first hallucination, a rare side effect to a disorder no one knew I had.

I saw the devil, with deep dark eyes and familiar pouty lips. His skin was as black as his eyes and suit, Yaran's mask now a physical feature of his face. He climbed on top me choking the air from my lungs, telling me I was his to take.

I spent twelve days on suicide watch in private hospital ward. I didn't try to hurt myself but when I started screaming about the devil, Colleen thought it was a preemptive measure.

My doctors said my psychosis was brought on stress but I knew not to speak about the thoughts that haunted me so I buried it down. They gave me antipsychotic medication but Yaran still came to me at night in my dreams. Not the alluring young man that delivered my first kiss but the monster I created in my mind.

When I returned home, I would wake up some mornings with my brothers in my bed, Wrenner explaining it was the only way to keep me from crying. The days were no better, the four walls of my bedroom felt like a prison, Colleen ordering Mai to turn away all visitors.

I missed Fallon and Emily's graduation but Colleen always made sure Wrenner brought my school work home. Going through the books to be sure I wasn't passing notes and I think she was worried I would be bold enough to speak the truth.

I wasn't.

But I did work up the nerve to kill myself again. It felt like my only way out. I was too scared to cut my wrist again. The shallow marks from my first attempt left bracelet band scars. There was nothing shallow about the pain and so I decided to overdose on my medication.

I went into my family's bathroom and ran the water, but I then wondered who would find me. I worried it would be Mai or one of my brothers; unsure what Wren would do if I was successful that time around.

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