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From that day on, it became Fallon and me. I didn't stop to think it was weird. Fallon had no problem meeting me that Sunday, or the following Tuesday, and Thursday after school.

By the time the next Saturday rolled around, I was in a groove. Fallon would be waiting for me at the park and we would play a few games until it got dark and I would always decline his offer to take me home. It was business, and I didn't want to get personal with a guy I had only known for three weeks.

"I hate sweating!" Fallon complained, sitting on the pavement beside by legs on the shadowy part of the basketball court.

It was over ninety degrees; unseasonably scorching for late April in New York.

"Here," I offered, passing down my flowery water canteen.

Fallon looked at me as if I had three heads, and I don't think I had ever been so insulted until that point.

"So you can kiss strangers but can't drink after me? It's not like I have something." I dramatically rescinded my offer.

He grinned, reaching up and snatching the bottle before sitting beside me. "I don't kiss," Fallon informed me as he popped back the cap.

"Sure you do, Deja told us—" I explained.

"I don't care what she told you. I don't kiss, Kid. It doesn't thrill me." He stretched out his legs.

"I don't care what thrills you," I said with a snarl. "I'm just saying you have no issue putting your mouth on—"

"Do you know how many germs are in a human mouth?" Fallon teased, holding my bottle over his head.

I narrowed my eyes, trying my best not to hit him. "This is why I hate guys like you." I turned away.

I felt an abrupt splash of water, turning to see Fallon wagging his head as he poured water on his sweaty brow.

"That is so disgusting!" I giggled, holding out my hands to block the fluids.

"Think so?" Fallon smirked, loosening his fair.

Fallon turned his head upside down and dumped water all over his long dark hair.

"Fallon, do not!" I cautiously rose from my seat.

He wagged like a dog, a mixture of amusement and mortified disgust on my face as Fallon held my waist to keep me from running.

"Oh my God, that's so disgusting!" I laughed as he pulled me between his legs.

"So is kissing," Fallon declared, leaning over my shoulder as he pushed back his hair.

I froze. It had been a while since I had been that close to a boy, and the way his eyes reflected in the sun gave me a weird feeling in my stomach.

"What?" Fallon smirked, resting his hand on my belly.

"You're too close," I mumbled.

"You're always free to move," Fallon countered.

I didn't move, searching his face for unfound imperfections. "I don't get it," I said, more to myself, unsure what drew me to him.

Fallon was too pretty. Too perfect. I knew he was definitely a player and yet I wanted to be close to him.

"There's nothing to get. We hooked up. It wasn't for me," he declared.

"Does Deja know that?" I narrowed my eyes.

"Yes. I don't see the point in lying to get what I want. Anyway, I looked at you weird because you did something nice," he told me as he tied up his hair.

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