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By mid-May, Fallon and I were inseparable. We spoke everyday and fought as much too but his flirting stopped. Falon referred to me as his best friend and I loved it.

Until my fight with Deja.

People at my high school knew Wrenner to have a bad temper but I was always timid. Quiet. Deciding not to make waves. I think deja was emboldened by this fact when she cornered me on the way home after school.

I won, but it didn't feel good. I sat with Fallon, Julio and Brielle by this pizzaria by my house. Fuming silently as Brielle told them the story as to why we were late.

"That's the stupidest shit I ever heard. She sucked my dick. It doesn't make us a couple," Fallon rolled his eyes.

It pissed me off. Deja was more of Emily's friend but I felt as if I lost something over a stupid boy. For a moment, I saw Fallon for what he was. Commanding he never speak to me again before going home.

He gave me a few hours to cool off and then Fallon sent me a meme of a sad baby with their hand to a glass captioned: I miss you. It made me smile and feel bad all at once. I called him, we talked through the night both fighting sleep.

"I'm tired." Fallon mentioned.

"Then go to bed," I yawned.

"No, I would miss you too much." He said, creating a fuzzy feeling in my chest.

By June, the fuzzy feeling was a full blown crush and so, when Brielle and I snuck out to attend a party with Fallon and the guys, I was angry he spent half the night flirting with another. Fallon dropped beside me, laying his head on my lap, his shoes comfortably on a strangers couch.

"What?" Fallon beamed as I brushed back his loose hair.

"Nothing. Who was that girl?"

"You sound like my girlfriend," Fallon laughed to himself.

"I'm just asking, and I wouldn't have a boyfriend with hair as long as mine." I tugged at his head.

"Ow!" Fallon chuckled, brushing my hand away. "I don't know. Some girl. She gave me her number, probably going to link tomorrow."

I hated it; quietly steaming away as Brielle skipped over with Jerry and Julio in tow.

"Rue!" she drunkenly giggled.

'Bree!" I mimicked her bubbly tone, shoving Fallon away.

"Are you mad, friend?" he teased, but I ignored him, standing to greet our friends.

"Do it," Bree insisted, turning to Jerimiah.

"Do what?" I looked around, confused.

Jerry rolled his eyes, leaning down and kissing me on the lips. I was stunned. Unsure how to react when Fallon shoved him back.

"The fuck are you doing?" Fallon growled as a few party goers cheered Jerry on.

"Some girl dared me to kiss someone with my same hair color," he explained. pointing his thumb over his shoulder to a girl with fire engine red hair, fuming yards away.

"Nu-uh, she said to make out," Brielle teased.

Jeremiah licked the front of his teeth. His piercing blue eyes looking down at me with anticipation.

"No," Fallon snarled.

I looked up to my friend, enjoying the clear jealousy on Fallon's face.

"Jealous, friend?" I quoted, Fallon narrowing his eyes as he regained his composure.

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