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I missed Fallon. I fought the urge to call him. I wanted to tell him I hated him and I wished we never met, but I also missed his voice. When I wasn't crying about it, I was pissed. I trusted him. I cared about him, and he made me believe he cared about me, only to break my heart.

Over a month later, I grew numb. I was just going through the motions as I entered my junior year of highschool.

No one cared about the Aleena scandal anymore and, the first week of school, Coach Foster announced I would be the new captain of the basketball team. I didn't care though and I didn't want to celebrate.

"Oh come on, Rue, you're captain!" my teammate Mika cheered as she shook my shoulders.

"And I'll be captain until we graduate," I mumbled, in no mood for a pizza party.

I looked to Brielle impatiently. My best friend led me into a cheery ambush after school and I was less than amused.

Bree winced. "Come on, Rue, you didn't come out with us Friday - it's just a slice. Celebrate junior year," she said with a hopeful smile.

There was nothing to celebrate. My world felt like an angry sea of grey and I would much rather go for a run.

I hugged and kissed Brielle goodbye before I told the team I would see them at practice, and went home to change for a run. When I got back, I took a shower, did my homework, and had a quiet dinner with my family before getting ready for bed.

I planked onto the mattress, checking my phone purely out of habit. I scrolled down a few social media alerts and texts from Brielle, Emily and DON'T ANSWER.

I don't know why I didn't block Fallon's phone number. I blocked him on all social media after I noticed he was tagged in a photo with his new college buddies, having fun with a few girls I didn't know. It hurt. I stared at the photo, wondering which one would be my replacement until I couldn't take it anymore and blocked him.

I held my breath as I opened the texts to see four consecutive messages.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Hey, Kid. I just saw Brie. She says you've been down lately. Is it because of me? 4:07 PM

You don't have to answer that. I know if you wanted to talk to me you would have by now. I'm not trying to bother you, I just wanted to congratulate you on making captain. I know it was important to you. 4:07 PM

Okay, fuck it. I want to bother you, Rue baby, I miss you, please talk to me. 4:08 PM

Alright, fine. I get it. I'm sorry I hurt you, Kid. I hope you feel better soon. 4:12 PM

Hot air escaped my lungs as I read the words repeatedly, my mind translating Fallon's words to:

Your best friend is a traitor who told me you're still not over me. 4:07 PM

You don't have to deny it, I know you will never get over me because I took something you can't get back. Oh, congratulations on your little thing. I remember you mentioning it when I pretended to care about the shit you like. 4:07 PM

I really am bored, so I will mess with you. I don't care about you but you're dumb so maybe if I call you baby and tell you I miss you maybe I can get your dumb ass to come suck my dick again. 4:08 PM

Alright, be that way, I'll find someone else. I hope you're happy. 4:12 PM

I threw on my slippers and stormed out my bedroom, down the long hall, past the kitchen, through the foyer and out the front door. I had never felt so mad at Brielle in my entire life as I rushed down six flights and slammed on her front door at nearly ten at night.

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