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I feel... numb while the man I love tells me it was one time with a barista who had slipped him her number a week ago. A stranger who he claims he only used to blow off steam.

As if it makes it better.

"I just... I needed something to clear my head." Gage says, and I wonder, how many were there? My husband's mind is a cluttered place. That must have taken a lot of fucking. "I needed to get out of here and—"

"Get out," I repeat, calm and clear.

"Rue, baby—"

"Did you use condoms?"

"What?" Gage asks as if it's a silly question. "Of course I did. Rue—"

"Okay," I slip away, gathering his things and pushing them in his hands.

"Get dressed. Get out. Don't call me. Now I'm the one who needs to clean my head."

I've been sitting here since he left. I can still smell Gage's crisp scent on my skin. Feel his lips against mine. I close my eyes it's as if he is with me. I can hear him say, God, I love you.

But is this love?

This heart-wrenching, soul-shattering, pain. I thought Gage was different. I thought he was perfect but is this what love is?

My phone buzzes and I know it's him. Laying on my back with my eyes closed as I answer the call. "Shut up okay," I answer. "Cause if you talk I'll lose the guts to say: I love you. As much as I told myself and you, how much I hated you when we met, I think part of me just knew I was in love from the moment I laid eyes on you. But I can't do this right. Now. Gage I—"

There's a deep sigh on the other line. A frustrated breath releasing from a voice that is not my husbands. "Rue... Um..." Fallon mutters and I want to curl up and die.

"Oh God," I rip the phone from my ear to see BF on the screen. "God Fallon..."

I don't know where to begin. Fallon cutting me off at the knees and changing the subject. "I miss you Kit." He interjects. Feeling less embarrassed, I smile softly as I admit I missed him too. "Is everything okay?"

"Depends on what you consider okay. My husband fucked someone. Not the same girl but another one he met after our separation. Technically he didn't cheat on me, so it's okay he fucked a barista with a heart-shaped mound above her cunt."

"Uh..." Fallon chuckles.

"She sent pictures."

"Are... Are they breathing?"

"Yeah, for now," I giggle, slipping my ring from my finger.

"Well, if you need to hide a body, I know a few guys," Fallon says, and I laugh.

I've been laughing for hours. Fallon's birthday sounds like a fun mix of three unknowing blind dates and an incident with too much hair spray and a flamethrower. Not his table but still something to see. I wish I had gone. Especially since for a business trip tomorrow.

"Don't go," I pout. "Come to Athens and cuddle with me. I really need a long hug."

"I have to," Fallon's voice is soft and sad. "But I swear, there's nothing in the world I want more."

His words create a funny feeling in my chest. I know he didn't mean it any kind of way, but it feels good to feel wanted. The moment the thought crosses my mind it settles and blooms.


"Yeah, Kit?"

"When do you get back?"

The Story Of Us(Original)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن