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I refused to speak to Fallon Lynch. Later that morning we quietly ate breakfast with his family and I could feel his anxiety from across the table.

After my shower, I was annoyed to see his family had left me behind heading to worship. I'm not religious in any way but I truly didn't want to be alone with Fallon Lynch; startled when he appeared over my shoulder.

"They didn't leave you. I told them to go ahead because you're not Jewish, Rue," Fallon said as if I needed a reminder.

"Maybe I'm curious." I narrowed my eyes.

"About what? You haven't been in a church in your entire life." Fallon leered at me.

I remember thinking he had a lot of nerve. His annoyed tone gave me the impression Fallon thought he had a right to be upset.

"Wrong. My family is Catholic. I was baptized when I was ten and we go every Easter when my Grandparents visit." I crossed my arms.

"Alright fine, you can covert later. Right now I wanted to talk to you."

His glare was obnoxious and yet as I leered up at him, I wondered what more had to happen before I could look at Fallon and not feel butterflies in my chest.

"I don't want to talk to you." I turned on my heels to lock myself away in the bedroom.

"Baby, please?" Fallon begged, catching my hand.

It made my heart ache. Hating myself for how much I loved the sound of Fallon Lynch calling me baby.

"Don't call me that." I yanked away.

I told myself whatever he had to say, I didn't want to hear it. Fallon Lynch was a liar and I was only there because I had nowhere else to go.

"Okay." He spoke as though I were a ticking time bomb. "Rue, I—"

I didn't care. I was done accommodating Fallon and his feelings. It wasn't as if he thought about mine.

I called him a liar. I told him I could never believe anything he said, but I knew in his own fucked up way Fallon Lynch was still my friend. My heart raced as I pushed the words from my throat, telling him that I fell in love with someone who wasn't who I thought they were and if he cared about me like I knew he was going to claim, he would give me space to process those emotions.

I banished Fallon to King's room, preferring his Queen sized bed over the bottom bunk. He had begun hanging around the house more and when he would speak to me I would only reply in French. Mostly curses.

It went on like that for a few days until Fallon strolled into the living room where I sat playing an online game with King in the next room. I could see him in the corner of my eye, trying to find an opening.

I knew he was trying and, despite saying I didn't want him to, it made me smile. My mood soured when I reminded myself Fallon was only there because he and Sabrina had a fight.

"Oui, Fallon?" I called, wishing I had remembered to pack my glasses as I narrowed my eyes at the screen.

"Can you not?" he pleaded.

"Are your glasses bifocals?" I glared at the screen.

"No, regular reading." Fallon's voice was relieved as he walked over to sit on the couch behind me.

I missed him. I missed speaking to him, but I was pissed and I loved to see him jump through hoops.

"Dommage que veux-tu?"

How may I help you?

"Rue!" Fallon complained.

"Je t'ai dit de ne pas me parler," I said dismissively before instructing King to follow me to the next field in English.

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