Journal 1

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My name is Anna, I am 15 years old, I am 5'4, I have long brown hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. School has been tough so I thought journaling might help in some way, or that's what helps some people anyway. When I was walking home earlier today I couldn't help but feel as if someone was watching me I mean as if anyone would stalk me of all people, I don't really talk to anyone, I sit at the back of the class, and I have average scores. There's nothing special about me in any way, My only hobby is reading that's all I do in my free time asides from my cat Alex. Alex is a Siamese kitty he turned 8 years old just last month, I rescued Alex when he was really young when I heard meowing coming from under some damp cardboard and when I investigated it turns out it was a kitten that seemed to have gotten separated from its family somehow. Since the incident I live alone with Alex he keeps my company in my apartment, It's a small one-bedroom apartment but it's a good size for me and Alex.

 *Pause in writing*

  I swear I heard scratching at my door even though Alex is sleeping next to me but when I opened the door to see what it was there was nothing there, I was probably just hearing things. Either way I have to go study now I have a test tomorrow that I need to prepare for.

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