Event 13

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When Anna went to bed that night she kept feeling anxious and could barely fall asleep. At some point during the night, Anna glanced at the window and saw a weird distorted figure that disappeared as soon as she looked at it. Alex got up to comfort Anna unsure of what happened but this was quite normal when she didn't take meds so he knew what to do. Not long afterwards they both heard some noise from somewhere in the house, and at this point they both became a little panicked. As soon as they started to think it wasn't anything they heard a  voice saying "Anna... Anna where are you?" Alex's fur was standing up but Anna seemed to calm down. Anna got up and stared at the door while it opened to Ms.Bailey "Anna we have to get out of here we don't have much time" Ms. Bailey grabbed Anna and ran out the door with Alex running after them. Once they got away from the house they heard police sirens nearby "you aren't wearing what you wore during our visit right?" asked Ms.Bailey causing confusion in Anna "no I changed why?" Ms. Bailey paused for a second before speaking "Good. look I don't know how but the police found out about... our situation my guess is they planted a microphone on you somehow, you know when they questioned you or some-" right before Ms. Bailey could finish her sentence the police had spotted where they were hiding. In a rushed whisper Ms.Bailey spoke "Grab Alex and run. As far and as fast as you can go." "What-" before Anna could speak Ms.Bailey pushed her and in another rushed whisper she said "GO! QUICK! Nothing else matters right now just go. I'll be fine." As Ms. Bailey said Anna ran. she didn't want to but her body made her run away with Alex.

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