Event 2

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Anna was walking home but she couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, it was as if someone was always around the corner stalking her. When she finally arrived home Alex was sitting at the door ready to greet her, Anna comes home around the same time so he knows when to expect her back, Anna goes about her normal routine of feeding Alex and playing with him before reading with him. Anna spends the majority of her time with Alex, they have a very close bond with each other anywhere Anna goes Alex follows her unless it's somewhere he knows he's not allowed like school. later that evening before Anna went to bed she went to get a glass of water, being followed by her cat Alex she headed to the kitchen when she noticed something in the corner of the kitchen. Anna went closer only to discover it was a small doll that looked to be a hundred years old, Alex seemed to be put on edge by the doll's presence. Not wanting Alex to be uncomfortable she picked up the doll and was gonna just gonna put it outside but on her way out the door, the doll vanished just like the other thing did. feeling uneasy she got the glass of water and went to bed with Alex cuddled into her, though she couldn't stop thinking about what's been happening and didn't sleep that night.

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