Event 5

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A couple of days later on Monday Anna woke up to Alex staring at the corner of the room, Anna being extremely paranoid she was trying to figure out what he was staring at. When Anna got up she looked over to the corner and jumped back in fear causing her to fall, what she saw was a small creature that looked like a huge clump of blood with black eyes and mouth. Anna was frozen in fear at the sight of this thing, and even though Anna was freaking out Alex was just pawing at it like it was nothing. Alex then bit the thing as if it were just a mouse or something, just then Anna's eyes went blurry for a moment and the next thing she knew she was looking at her cat with a mouse in his mouth. Anna was hyperventilating and looking very confused at the sight, not the fact that the cat had a mouse in its mouth as that was normal but the fact it went from being a clump of blood to a mouse. Alex was confused by her acting like this as it was unusual, he catches mice all the time and she was fine with that but this time she was freaking out. Anna still had to go to school since it was a Monday but her mind seemed to be racing the whole time she was getting ready, Alex was still very confused about how she was acting that day. when it was time for her to leave Anna caught Alex trying to sneak into her school bag, this made her laugh because this isn't the first time he tried to go with her to places he's not allowed. Alex knew he wouldn't be allowed but he thought it was worth a shot, he was always curious what school was like though he probably wouldn't like it if he went. 

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