The Incident

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5 years ago... that's when it all happened... 

It was night Anna was going to bed with her cat Alex, Anna decided to read to him before they went to sleep. They were about to sleep when all of a sudden they heard an alarm go off, this was unusual so she got up to check it out. Anna went downstairs and saw a man dressed in an all-black burglar outfit, she fell back in fear when she saw her parents tied up with the mystery man pouring gasoline everywhere. he was startled by her presence and looked annoyed that she was there, "Hello child why don't you come over here?" said the man then she replied "W-what are you gonna d-do to them? Why are you doing this!?" Anna was in tears from the sight in front of her. Alex walked into the room and was in pure shock, having the instinct to protect what he loves he jumped at the man and attacked him at the best he could. The man threw Alex at the wall and he landed in a puddle of gasoline, Alex however wouldn't give up, especially if all he loves is on the line. While Alex was repeatedly attacking the man Anna grabbed the gun that her parents had for safety, not knowing how to use a gun she left the safety on. The man laughed at her walking towards her getting closer, Alex being the smart cat he saw a knife on the table in the corner of his eye so went to get it. The man was surprised to see a cat with a knife in its mouth approaching the parents, Alex had managed to get the knife into the father's hand and he was able to cut loose of the ropes. The mother immediately went to make sure Anna and Alex were okay, the father took the gun from Anna and shot the man in the shoulder. The man in a half panic lit a match and threw it at the father who was covered in gasoline, The father was the first one to burn to death and in his last breath, he told the mother to make sure Anna was safe. The mother pushed Anna out of the room just before the flames caught her, as she was burning she yelled at Anna to get out and run far away she didn't need to tell Alex anything she knew he would follow Anna. Anna being terrified ran as fast as she could out of the house and she caught glimpse of the man watching the house burn down, he appeared to enjoy the sight of the house burning with a married couple lying dead inside. it wasn't long before 911 showed up though they were too late to save her parents, they saw the girl and her cat right away and brought them into the ambulance to be brought to the hospital. Luckily the vet was close to the hospital so they could both get care as soon as possible, though the man was able to get away before he was caught for his crimes. This worried Anna since nothing stopped him from doing this again or finding her, it didn't help that she had no idea who the mysterious man was and had no evidence pointing to who did this. After what happened Anna was brought to a mental hospital to try and recover from what happened, she was able to stay with her cat and remained in the hospital for 3 years followed by therapy. Anna still wanted revenge on the guy that did this to her family and was willing to go to any lengths to do so, she wanted him to suffer like he made them suffer she never said this out loud and was released before she was supposed to. Anna was meant to stay in the hospital for 5 years and if they knew what she wanted to do it would be 10+ years, Anna was smart and never told anyone about it and acted as if she was getting better when she wasn't.

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