Journal 4

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I don't know what is wrong with me! things have just been appearing and disappearing just like that, like one moment they're there and the next there's nothing! Maybe I should go see a doctor or something to see if there really is anything wrong with me, then again I don't wanna bother anyone with my problems. Wait Alex has to see them too right? Yet he acts like nothing ever happened even though I can't stop thinking about these things Alex acts like everything is fine. I wonder how Alex feels I wish he could say what he's thinking, though that's not exactly possible considering the fact that he's a cat. I should take Alex somewhere tomorrow, maybe like a nature walk or something he seems to enjoy them. It might also help clear my mind and help me calm down, It would be nice to take my mind off of what has been happening recently. The next time something happens I'll contact a Psychiatrist to see if there really is something wrong with me, I doubt it but maybe... Anyways I have to go study for school I'll write tomorrow after the nature walk with Alex, I hope it helps the both of us.

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