Event 6

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When Anna got home she couldn't stop thinking about what will happen when she arrives at her appointment, she doesn't know what is wrong with her but she thought there must be something. Alex was laying in the sun when he noticed her expression of worry, he went over to her immediately to see what was wrong and to comfort her. Alex knew that she has been different since the incident 5 years ago, though considering what had happened to her it was expected. After a while, Anna got ready to go to her appointment with her psychiatrist, Alex was confused but immediately got excited when she picked up his bowtie collar. Alex sat up ready for her to put his collar on him, once again he looked so proud to be wearing a bowtie. Alex was confused about where they were going but he usually enjoyed new places so he didn't question it, when they arrived Alex was looking around since he has never seen a place like this before. when she got in the room she and Alex sat down in the chairs, "Hello Ms.Rose, I am Ms.Bailey. How are you feeling today?" said Ms.Bailey "I'm not sure" replied Anna. "Would you like to talk about what's been going on?" asked Ms.Bailey "Things have just been appearing then disappearing, I have been hearing things that aren't there and things turned into different things and I don't understand how or why." "From what you are describing it sounds like you have been having visual and auditory hallucinations." "H- hallucinations?" "Yes. Can you please describe what you have been seeing/hearing?" Anna proceeded to describe all of the recent events that she wrote in her journal, she found it helpful to write things down now it calmed her a bit.

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