Event 3

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It was a Saturday afternoon and Anna was just in her room reading with Alex as she usually does, Anna got up to use the bathroom with her cat following her. Anna saw something behind the shower curtain but when she opened it there was nothing there, Alex looked confused at her opening the curtain just to close it right after but ignored her strange act. When Anna walked out of the bathroom she decided to cook dinner, Alex decided he would help by watching Anna the whole time. Alex was doing a great job supervising Anna while she made fried rice, Alex even had his own plate and they ate together at the table.  Later that day Anna saw something move on her desk in the corner of her eye and immediately turned to see what it was, only to find Alex playing with her pencil Anna was relieved it was just her cat. The day was going normal for once until Anna heard something outside her window, it sounded like scratching so she went to investigate the sound. When she looked out her window she saw a horrific creature it looked like a woman in her 20s, blood running out of empty eye sockets every bone appeared to be broken in unimaginable ways. Terrified Anna fell back and let out a scream of terror at the sight, Alex immediately went to her to try and comfort Anna. When Alex looked out the window to see why she was frightened he saw nothing but a clear night sky, Alex was confused to see her sudden reaction. Moments later someone was knocking on the door asking if everything was alright after hearing Anna scream, Anna said everything was fine but he didn't believe her. "May I come in?" Said the person, Anna said yes and Alex went to the door to open it for him (opening doors is a trick Anna taught him).  The man talked with Anna for a while as Alex went back to playing with her pencil as he does from time to time.

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