Event 11

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Anna decided to make food and while she was cooking she heard a knock on her door, Alex looked confused before turning back to watch the water in the pot boil. When Anna opened the door it was a police officer "may I come in for a minute? I want to talk to you about what happened." Said the officer, Anna let him in, closed the door, and returned to cooking as the officer sat down. "I know it's probably hard seeing your childhood home burn down, but we found some *short pause* interesting things in the house". Anna looked at him confused "What kind of items?" The officer continued "There were traces of gasoline and burnt match sticks, along with burnt ropes and..." the officer looked as if he had decided how to tell the rest. "And?" Anna questioned "You see they found a.. body in the house, they weren't identified as it was completely charred." said the officer. Anna stood there for a moment while Alex simply stared at the pot as if it was the most interesting thing ever to him. "I know this news is really shocking but I came down to see if you knew anything about who they could be or anything like that?" Anna replied after a short pause "I'm not sure, most people don't even know it exists since it's a somewhat rural area and covered by trees and uncut plants." The officer nodded "Yes it is quite unusual that something like this would happen in such a place" Anna stopped to think when the officer spoke "Well I better get going I don't want to bother you with questions, especially after something so traumatic. If you get an idea of who it could be I'll be at the station not far from here, just at the end of the road take a left down Thorn Street and you'll see it." Anna nodded and they said goodbye at the door before Anna returned to eat with Alex.

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